Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17141
Modified Files:
Log Message:
cleaned up buildsrc and unfiltered sections and turned them into libdirs; made 'pan' libdir and cleaned up source dir for easy makefile install rules; created 'deprecated' libdir and moved cruft there
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.75
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -C2 -d -r1.75 -r1.76
*** Makefile 2 Aug 2006 17:27:33 -0000 1.75
--- Makefile 9 Aug 2006 04:12:31 -0000 1.76
*** 112,116 ****
# WARNING! this MUST be all on one line because the automatic package
# building scripts rely on it being that way.
! LIB_TARGETS = boids bsaylor buildsrc corelibs creb cxc cyclone ekext ext13 flib freeverb ggee hardware hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemmatrix loaders mapping markex maxlib mjlib motex oscx pddp pdogg pmpd sigpack smlib toxy unauthorized vbap zexy
# this is for libraries that don't compile (yet) on all platforms
--- 112,116 ----
# WARNING! this MUST be all on one line because the automatic package
# building scripts rely on it being that way.
! LIB_TARGETS = boids bsaylor corelibs creb cxc cyclone ekext ext13 flatspace flib freeverb ggee hardware hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemlib iemmatrix loaders mapping markex maxlib mjlib motex oscx pddp pdogg pmpd sigpack smlib toxy unauthorized vbap zexy
# this is for libraries that don't compile (yet) on all platforms
*** 127,131 ****
! all: pre_all_$(OS_NAME) buildsrc $(LIB_TARGETS)
@echo " "
@echo "Compiled external for $(OS_NAME) aka $(UNAME)"
--- 127,131 ----
! all: pre_all_$(OS_NAME) $(LIB_TARGETS)
@echo " "
@echo "Compiled external for $(OS_NAME) aka $(UNAME)"
*** 145,149 ****
install: $(examplesdir) $(helpdir) $(manualsdir) $(objectsdir) $(readmesdir) \
! all unfiltered_install $(patsubst %, %_install,$(LIB_TARGETS))
@echo " "
@echo "externals install succeeded!"
--- 145,149 ----
install: $(examplesdir) $(helpdir) $(manualsdir) $(objectsdir) $(readmesdir) \
! all $(patsubst %, %_install,$(LIB_TARGETS))
@echo " "
@echo "externals install succeeded!"
*** 154,169 ****
! # this is all stuff related to the externals/build/src/*.c links
! BUILDSRC_OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(externals_src)/build/src/*.c)
! buildsrc: $(BUILDSRC_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
! buildsrc_install: $(helpdir) $(objectsdir)
! install -p $(BUILDSRC_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(objectsdir)
# all standard objs' help files
# it had to be broken up because the list is soo long
--- 154,175 ----
! # This is all stuff related to the externals/build/src/*.c links. The idea is
! # that they make for a flat namespace, here they are included as a libdir
+ FLATSPACE_NAME=flatspace
+ FLATSPACE_OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(externals_src)/build/src/*.c)
! flatspace: $(FLATSPACE_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
! flatspace_install: flatspace $(helpdir) $(objectsdir)
! install -d $(objectsdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
! $(scripts_src)/generate-libdir-metafile.sh $(objectsdir) $(FLATSPACE_NAME) \
! --author "Numerous" \
! --description "This is a collection of externals in a flat namespace" \
! --license "GNU GPL"
! install -p $(FLATSPACE_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(objectsdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
! install -d $(helpdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
# all standard objs' help files
# it had to be broken up because the list is soo long
*** 176,180 ****
$(externals_src)/bbogart/*/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/creb/doc/*.pd \
! $(helpdir)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/dfx/*/*.pd \
--- 182,186 ----
$(externals_src)/bbogart/*/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/creb/doc/*.pd \
! $(helpdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/dfx/*/*.pd \
*** 184,194 ****
$(externals_src)/ff/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/hcs/*-help.pd \
! $(helpdir)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/hcs/*/doc/*.pd \
- $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*-help.pd \
$(externals_src)/iem/comport/*/*-help.pd \
! $(helpdir)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/pdogg/*/*.pd \
--- 190,199 ----
$(externals_src)/ff/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/hcs/*-help.pd \
! $(helpdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/hcs/*/doc/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/iem/comport/*/*-help.pd \
! $(helpdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
install -p \
$(externals_src)/pdogg/*/*.pd \
*** 203,215 ****
$(externals_src)/vst/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/zhzxh~/*.pd \
! $(helpdir)
! buildsrc_clean:
! -rm -f -- $(BUILDSRC_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
-rm -f -- $(externals_src)/build/src/*.*~
-rm -f -- $(externals_src)/build/src/*.c.bak
--- 208,222 ----
$(externals_src)/vst/*.pd \
$(externals_src)/zhzxh~/*.pd \
! $(helpdir)/$(FLATSPACE_NAME)
! flatspace_clean:
! -rm -f -- $(FLATSPACE_OBJECTS:.c=.o)
-rm -f -- $(externals_src)/build/src/*.*~
-rm -f -- $(externals_src)/build/src/*.c.bak
*** 460,463 ****
--- 467,507 ----
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ DEPRECATED_NAME=deprecated
+ DEPRECATED_OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(externals_src)/deprecated/*.c)
+ deprecated: $(DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
+ deprecated_install: deprecated
+ install -d $(objectsdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ $(scripts_src)/generate-libdir-metafile.sh $(objectsdir) $(DEPRECATED_NAME) \
+ --author "numerous" \
+ --description "a collection of deprecated objects that still have some use" \
+ --license "" \
+ --version ""
+ install -p $(DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(objectsdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ install -d $(helpdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ install -p $(externals_src)/deprecated/help/*.pd \
+ $(helpdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ install -d $(manualsdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ install -p $(externals_src)/deprecated/doc/*.* \
+ $(manualsdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ # install -d $(readmesdir)
+ # install -p $(externals_src)/deprecated/README \
+ # $(readmesdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME).txt
+ install -d $(examplesdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ install -p $(externals_src)/deprecated/examples/*.pd \
+ $(examplesdir)/$(DEPRECATED_NAME)
+ deprecated_clean:
+ -rm -f -- $(DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:.c=.o)
+ -rm -f -- $(externals_src)/deprecated/*.bak
+ -rm -f -- $(externals_src)/deprecated/*.*~
*** 833,836 ****
--- 877,884 ----
--version ""
install -p $(HCS_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(objectsdir)/$(HCS_NAME)
+ install -p $(shell ls -1 $(externals_src)/hcs/*.pd | \
+ grep -v '\-help.pd') $(objectsdir)/$(HCS_NAME)
+ # hmm, these don't have a home yet...
+ install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/general/*.pd $(objectsdir)/$(HCS_NAME)
install -d $(helpdir)/$(HCS_NAME)
install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/*-help.pd \
*** 1369,1372 ****
--- 1417,1461 ----
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # PAN
+ PAN_NAME=pan
+ PAN_OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*.c)
+ pan: $(PAN_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
+ pan_install: pan
+ install -d $(objectsdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ $(scripts_src)/generate-libdir-metafile.sh $(objectsdir) $(PAN_NAME) \
+ --author "Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>" \
+ --description "A library of panning algoritms" \
+ --license "GNU GPL" \
+ --version ""
+ # everything is .pd, nothing to compile (yet?)
+ # install -p $(PAN_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(objectsdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ install -p $(wildcard $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*.pd) \
+ $(objectsdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ install -d $(helpdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/help/*.pd \
+ $(helpdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ # install -d $(manualsdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ # install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/manual.txt \
+ # $(manualsdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ # install -d $(readmesdir)
+ # install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/README \
+ # $(readmesdir)/$(PAN_NAME).txt
+ # install -d $(examplesdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ # install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/examples/*.pd \
+ # $(examplesdir)/$(PAN_NAME)
+ pan_clean:
+ -rm -f -- $(PAN_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
+ -rm -f -- $(PAN_OBJECTS:.c=.o)
+ -rm -f -- $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*.bak
+ -rm -f -- $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*.*~
*** 1831,1852 ****
- #==============================================================================#
- #
- #
- #==============================================================================#
- # this is not yet organized into libdirs, but just leftover <hans(a)at.or.at>
- unfiltered_install:
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # hcs
- install -p $(shell ls -1 $(externals_src)/hcs/*.pd | \
- grep -v '\-help.pd') $(objectsdir)
- # general
- install -p $(externals_src)/hcs/general/*.pd $(objectsdir)
- # pan
- install -p $(shell ls -1 $(externals_src)/hcs/pan/*.pd | \
- grep -v '\-help.pd') $(objectsdir)
--- 1920,1923 ----
*** 1868,1873 ****
# the destination-specific clean targets are in Makefile.buildlayout
clean: $(patsubst %, %_clean,$(LIB_TARGETS))
- -rm -f -- $(BUILDSRC_OBJECTS:.c=.o)
- -rm -f -- $(BUILDSRC_OBJECTS:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
--- 1939,1942 ----