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trying to code objectbox deletion undo...
Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.116 -r1.1.2.117
*** desire.c 20 Aug 2006 21:46:58 -0000
--- desire.c 21 Aug 2006 00:04:29 -0000
*** 282,286 ****
t_class *canvas_class;
int canvas_dspstate; /* whether DSP is on or off */
- t_canvas *canvas_editing; /* last canvas to start text edting */
t_canvas *canvas_whichfind; /* last canvas we did a find in */
t_canvas *canvas_list; /* list of all root canvases */
--- 282,285 ----
*** 898,920 ****
! int glist_isvisible(t_glist *x)
! {
! return ((!x->gl_loading) && glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped);
! }
! int glist_istoplevel(t_glist *x)
! {
! /* we consider a graph "toplevel" if it has its own window
! or if it appears as a box in its parent window so that we
! don't draw the actual contents there. */
! return (x->gl_havewindow || !x->gl_isgraph);
! }
! int glist_getfont(t_glist *x)
! {
! while (!x->gl_env)
! if (!(x = x->gl_owner))
! bug("t_canvasenvironment");
! return (x->gl_font);
--- 897,910 ----
! int glist_isvisible(t_glist *x) {return !x->gl_loading && glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped;}
! /* we consider a graph "toplevel" if it has its own window
! or if it appears as a box in its parent window so that we
! don't draw the actual contents there. */
! int glist_istoplevel(t_glist *x) {return x->gl_havewindow || !x->gl_isgraph;}
! int glist_getfont(t_glist *x) {
! while (!x->gl_env) if (!(x = x->gl_owner)) bug("t_canvasenvironment");
! return x->gl_font;
*** 923,927 ****
t_gobj *y;
int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
- if (canvas_editing == x) canvas_editing = 0;
if (canvas_whichfind == x) canvas_whichfind = 0;
--- 913,916 ----
*** 929,937 ****
canvas_vis(x, 0);
if (strcmp(x->gl_name->s_name, "Pd"))
pd_unbind(&x->gl_pd, canvas_makebindsym(x->gl_name));
! if (x->gl_env)
! {
freebytes(x->gl_env->ce_argv, x->gl_env->ce_argc * sizeof(t_atom));
freebytes(x->gl_env, sizeof(*x->gl_env));
--- 918,924 ----
canvas_vis(x, 0);
if (strcmp(x->gl_name->s_name, "Pd"))
pd_unbind(&x->gl_pd, canvas_makebindsym(x->gl_name));
! if (x->gl_env) {
freebytes(x->gl_env->ce_argv, x->gl_env->ce_argc * sizeof(t_atom));
freebytes(x->gl_env, sizeof(*x->gl_env));
*** 939,945 ****
! gfxstub_deleteforkey(x); /* probably unnecessary */
! if (!x->gl_owner)
! canvas_takeofflist(x);
--- 926,931 ----
! gfxstub_deleteforkey(x); /* probably unnecessary */
! if (!x->gl_owner) canvas_takeofflist(x);
*** 954,961 ****
! void canvas_fixlinesfor(t_canvas *x, t_text *text)
! {sys_mgui(text,"draw_wires","");}
! void canvas_deletelinesfor(t_canvas *x, t_text *text)
! {sys_mgui(text,"delete_wires","");}
/* kill all lines for one inlet or outlet */
--- 940,944 ----
! void canvas_fixlinesfor(t_canvas *x, t_text *text) {sys_mgui(text,"draw_wires","");}
/* kill all lines for one inlet or outlet */
*** 989,1009 ****
void canvas_objfor(t_glist *gl, t_text *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
void canvas_restore(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
! { /* IOhannes */
t_pd *z;
/* this should be unnecessary, but sometimes the canvas's name gets
out of sync with the owning box's argument; this fixes that */
! if (argc > 3)
! {
t_atom *ap=argv+3;
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! {
char *buf=ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, *bufp;
! if (*buf == '$' && buf[1] >= '0' && buf[1] <= '9')
! {
! for (bufp = buf+2; *bufp; bufp++)
! if (*bufp < '0' || *bufp > '9')
! {
SETDOLLSYM(ap, gensym(buf+1));
goto didit;
--- 972,986 ----
void canvas_objfor(t_glist *gl, t_text *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
void canvas_restore(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
! {
t_pd *z;
/* this should be unnecessary, but sometimes the canvas's name gets
out of sync with the owning box's argument; this fixes that */
! if (argc > 3) {
t_atom *ap=argv+3;
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
char *buf=ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, *bufp;
! if (*buf == '$' && buf[1] >= '0' && buf[1] <= '9') {
! for (bufp = buf+2; *bufp; bufp++) if (*bufp < '0' || *bufp > '9') {
SETDOLLSYM(ap, gensym(buf+1));
goto didit;
*** 1013,1024 ****
! if (ap->a_type == A_DOLLSYM)
! {
t_canvasenvironment *e = canvas_getenv(canvas_getcurrent());
canvas_rename(x, binbuf_realizedollsym(ap->a_w.w_symbol,
e->ce_argc, e->ce_argv, 1), 0);
! }
! else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
canvas_rename(x, argv[3].a_w.w_symbol, 0);
--- 990,998 ----
! if (ap->a_type == A_DOLLSYM) {
t_canvasenvironment *e = canvas_getenv(canvas_getcurrent());
canvas_rename(x, binbuf_realizedollsym(ap->a_w.w_symbol,
e->ce_argc, e->ce_argv, 1), 0);
! } else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
canvas_rename(x, argv[3].a_w.w_symbol, 0);
*** 1027,1032 ****
if (!z) error("canvas_restore: out of context");
else if (*z != canvas_class) error("canvas_restore: wasn't a canvas");
! else
! {
t_canvas *x2 = (t_canvas *)z;
x->gl_owner = x2;
--- 1001,1005 ----
if (!z) error("canvas_restore: out of context");
else if (*z != canvas_class) error("canvas_restore: wasn't a canvas");
! else {
t_canvas *x2 = (t_canvas *)z;
x->gl_owner = x2;
*** 2270,2374 ****
#define NHIST 15
- /* LATER might have to speed this up */
- static void canvas_tidy(t_canvas *x)
- {
- t_gobj *y, *y2;
- int ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, bx1, by1, bx2, by2;
- int histogram[NHIST], *ip, i, besthist, bestdist;
- /* if nobody is selected, this means do it to all boxes;
- othewise just the selection */
- int all = (x->gl_editor ? (x->gl_editor->e_selection == 0) : 1);
- /* tidy horizontally */
- for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y, x, &ax1, &ay1, &ax2, &ay2);
- for (y2 = x->gl_list; y2; y2 = y2->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y2))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y2, x, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
- if (by1 <= ay1 + YTOLERANCE && by1 >= ay1 - YTOLERANCE &&
- bx1 < ax1)
- goto nothorizhead;
- }
- for (y2 = x->gl_list; y2; y2 = y2->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y2))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y2, x, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
- if (by1 <= ay1 + YTOLERANCE && by1 >= ay1 - YTOLERANCE
- && by1 != ay1)
- gobj_displace(y2, x, 0, ay1-by1);
- }
- nothorizhead: ;
- }
- /* tidy vertically. First guess the user's favorite vertical spacing */
- for (i = NHIST, ip = histogram; i--; ip++) *ip = 0;
- for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y, x, &ax1, &ay1, &ax2, &ay2);
- for (y2 = x->gl_list; y2; y2 = y2->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y2))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y2, x, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
- if (bx1 <= ax1 + XTOLERANCE && bx1 >= ax1 - XTOLERANCE)
- {
- int distance = by1-ay2;
- if (distance >= 0 && distance < NHIST)
- histogram[distance]++;
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 1, besthist = 0, bestdist = 4, ip = histogram + 1;
- i < (NHIST-1); i++, ip++)
- {
- int hit = ip[-1] + 2 * ip[0] + ip[1];
- if (hit > besthist)
- {
- besthist = hit;
- bestdist = i;
- }
- }
- post("best vertical distance %d", bestdist);
- for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y))
- {
- int keep = 1;
- gobj_getrect(y, x, &ax1, &ay1, &ax2, &ay2);
- for (y2 = x->gl_list; y2; y2 = y2->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y2))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y2, x, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
- if (bx1 <= ax1 + XTOLERANCE && bx1 >= ax1 - XTOLERANCE &&
- ay1 >= by2 - 10 && ay1 < by2 + NHIST)
- goto nothead;
- }
- while (keep)
- {
- keep = 0;
- for (y2 = x->gl_list; y2; y2 = y2->g_next)
- if (all || glist_isselected(x, y2))
- {
- gobj_getrect(y2, x, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
- if (bx1 <= ax1 + XTOLERANCE && bx1 >= ax1 - XTOLERANCE &&
- by1 > ay1 && by1 < ay2 + NHIST)
- {
- int vmove = ay2 + bestdist - by1;
- gobj_displace(y2, x, ax1-bx1, vmove);
- ay1 = by1 + vmove;
- ay2 = by2 + vmove;
- keep = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- nothead: ;
- }
- canvas_dirty(x, 1);
- }
static void canvas_texteditor(t_canvas *x)
--- 2243,2246 ----
*** 4884,4894 ****
! else if (template->t_vec[i].ds_type == DT_LIST)
! {
! while (1)
! {
! if (!glist_readscalar(w->w_list, natoms, vec,
! p_nextmsg, 0))
! break;
--- 4756,4762 ----
! else if (template->t_vec[i].ds_type == DT_LIST) {
! while (1) {
! if (!glist_readscalar(w->w_list, natoms, vec, p_nextmsg, 0)) break;
*** 4906,4913 ****
int wasvis = glist_isvisible(x);
! if (nextmsg >= natoms || vec[nextmsg].a_type != A_SYMBOL)
! {
! if (nextmsg < natoms)
! post("stopping early: type %d", vec[nextmsg].a_type);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
return (0);
--- 4774,4779 ----
int wasvis = glist_isvisible(x);
! if (nextmsg >= natoms || vec[nextmsg].a_type != A_SYMBOL) {
! if (nextmsg < natoms) post("stopping early: type %d", vec[nextmsg].a_type);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
return (0);
*** 4915,4921 ****
templatesym = canvas_makebindsym(vec[nextmsg].a_w.w_symbol);
*p_nextmsg = nextmsg + 1;
! if (!(template = template_findbyname(templatesym)))
! {
error("canvas_read: %s: no such template", templatesym->s_name);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
--- 4781,4786 ----
templatesym = canvas_makebindsym(vec[nextmsg].a_w.w_symbol);
*p_nextmsg = nextmsg + 1;
! if (!(template = template_findbyname(templatesym))) {
error("canvas_read: %s: no such template", templatesym->s_name);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
*** 4923,4953 ****
sc = scalar_new(x, templatesym);
! if (!sc)
! {
error("couldn't create scalar \"%s\"", templatesym->s_name);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
return (0);
! if (wasvis)
! {
! /* temporarily lie about vis flag while this is built */
glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped = 0;
glist_add(x, &sc->sc_gobj);
nline = canvas_scanbinbuf(natoms, vec, &message, p_nextmsg);
! glist_readatoms(x, natoms, vec, p_nextmsg, templatesym, sc->sc_vec,
! nline, vec + message);
! if (wasvis)
! {
! /* reset vis flag as before */
glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped = 1;
gobj_vis(&sc->sc_gobj, x, 1);
! if (selectit)
! {
! glist_select(x, &sc->sc_gobj);
! }
! return (1);
--- 4788,4810 ----
sc = scalar_new(x, templatesym);
! if (!sc) {
error("couldn't create scalar \"%s\"", templatesym->s_name);
*p_nextmsg = natoms;
return (0);
! if (wasvis) {
! /* temporarily lie about vis flag while this is built */
glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped = 0;
glist_add(x, &sc->sc_gobj);
nline = canvas_scanbinbuf(natoms, vec, &message, p_nextmsg);
! glist_readatoms(x, natoms, vec, p_nextmsg, templatesym, sc->sc_vec, nline, vec + message);
! if (wasvis) {
! /* reset vis flag as before */
glist_getcanvas(x)->gl_mapped = 1;
gobj_vis(&sc->sc_gobj, x, 1);
! if (selectit) glist_select(x, &sc->sc_gobj);
! return 1;
*** 5028,5070 ****
! static void glist_doread(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format,
! int clearme)
! {
t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new();
t_canvas *canvas = glist_getcanvas(x);
int wasvis = glist_isvisible(canvas);
int cr = 0;
! if (!strcmp(format->s_name, "cr"))
! cr = 1;
! else if (*format->s_name)
! error("qlist_read: unknown flag: %s", format->s_name);
! if (binbuf_read_via_path(b, filename->s_name,
! canvas_getdir(canvas)->s_name, cr))
! {
pd_error(x, "read failed");
! if (wasvis)
! canvas_vis(canvas, 0);
! if (clearme)
! glist_clear(x);
glist_readfrombinbuf(x, b, filename->s_name, 0);
! if (wasvis)
! canvas_vis(canvas, 1);
void glist_read(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format)
! {
! glist_doread(x, filename, format, 1);
! }
void glist_mergefile(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format)
! {
! glist_doread(x, filename, format, 0);
! }
/* read text from a "properties" window, called from a gfxstub set
--- 4885,4912 ----
! static void glist_doread(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format, int clearme) {
t_binbuf *b = binbuf_new();
t_canvas *canvas = glist_getcanvas(x);
int wasvis = glist_isvisible(canvas);
int cr = 0;
+ if (!strcmp(format->s_name, "cr")) cr = 1;
+ else if (*format->s_name) error("glist_read: unknown flag: %s", format->s_name);
! if (binbuf_read_via_path(b, filename->s_name, canvas_getdir(canvas)->s_name, cr)) {
pd_error(x, "read failed");
! if (wasvis) canvas_vis(canvas, 0);
! if (clearme) glist_clear(x);
glist_readfrombinbuf(x, b, filename->s_name, 0);
! if (wasvis) canvas_vis(canvas, 1);
void glist_read(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format)
! {glist_doread(x, filename, format, 1);}
void glist_mergefile(t_glist *x, t_symbol *filename, t_symbol *format)
! {glist_doread(x, filename, format, 0);}
/* read text from a "properties" window, called from a gfxstub set
*** 5075,5113 ****
int ntotal, nnew, scindex;
t_gobj *y, *y2 = 0, *newone, *oldone = 0;
! for (y = x->gl_list, ntotal = 0, scindex = -1; y; y = y->g_next)
! {
! if (y == &sc->sc_gobj)
! scindex = ntotal, oldone = y;
if (scindex == -1)
bug("data_properties: scalar disappeared");
glist_readfrombinbuf(x, b, "properties dialog", 0);
newone = 0;
! if (scindex >= 0)
! {
/* take the new object off the list */
! if (ntotal)
! {
! for (y = x->gl_list, nnew = 1; (y2 = y->g_next); y = y2, nnew++)
! if (nnew == ntotal)
! {
newone = y2;
y->g_next = y2->g_next;
! break;
else newone = x->gl_list, x->gl_list = newone->g_next;
! if (!newone)
! error("couldn't update properties (perhaps a format problem?)");
! else if (!oldone)
! bug("data_properties: couldn't find old element");
! else
! {
glist_delete(x, oldone);
! if (scindex > 0)
! {
for (y = x->gl_list, nnew = 1; y;
y = y->g_next, nnew++)
--- 4917,4945 ----
int ntotal, nnew, scindex;
t_gobj *y, *y2 = 0, *newone, *oldone = 0;
! for (y = x->gl_list, ntotal = 0, scindex = -1; y; y = y->g_next) {
! if (y == &sc->sc_gobj) {scindex = ntotal; oldone = y;}
if (scindex == -1)
bug("data_properties: scalar disappeared");
glist_readfrombinbuf(x, b, "properties dialog", 0);
newone = 0;
! if (scindex >= 0) {
/* take the new object off the list */
! if (ntotal) {
! for (y = x->gl_list, nnew = 1; (y2 = y->g_next); y = y2, nnew++) if (nnew == ntotal) {
newone = y2;
y->g_next = y2->g_next;
! break;
else newone = x->gl_list, x->gl_list = newone->g_next;
! if (!newone) error("couldn't update properties (perhaps a format problem?)");
! else if (!oldone) bug("data_properties: couldn't find old element");
! else {
glist_delete(x, oldone);
! if (scindex > 0) {
for (y = x->gl_list, nnew = 1; y;
y = y->g_next, nnew++)
*** 9533,9537 ****
void canvas_getargs(int *argcp, t_atom **argvp);
! static void canvas_objtext(t_glist *gl, int xpix, int ypix, int selected, t_binbuf *b) {
t_text *x=0;
int argc, n;
--- 9365,9370 ----
void canvas_getargs(int *argcp, t_atom **argvp);
! /* i = insertion point; -1 = end */
! static void canvas_objtext(t_glist *gl, int xpix, int ypix, int selected, t_binbuf *b, int i) {
t_text *x=0;
int argc, n;
*** 9564,9568 ****
gobj_activate(&x->te_g, gl, 1);
! if (pd_class(&x->ob_pd) == vinlet_class) canvas_resortinlets(glist_getcanvas(gl));
if (pd_class(&x->ob_pd) == voutlet_class) canvas_resortoutlets(glist_getcanvas(gl));
canvas_unsetcurrent((t_canvas *)gl);
--- 9397,9401 ----
gobj_activate(&x->te_g, gl, 1);
! if (pd_class(&x->ob_pd) == vinlet_class) canvas_resortinlets(glist_getcanvas(gl));
if (pd_class(&x->ob_pd) == voutlet_class) canvas_resortoutlets(glist_getcanvas(gl));
canvas_unsetcurrent((t_canvas *)gl);
*** 9574,9578 ****
binbuf_restore(b, argc-2, argv+2);
canvas_objtext(gl, atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv),
! atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv), 0, b);
} else {
int xpix, ypix;
--- 9407,9411 ----
binbuf_restore(b, argc-2, argv+2);
canvas_objtext(gl, atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv),
! atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv), 0, b, -1);
} else {
int xpix, ypix;
*** 9580,9584 ****
glist_getnextxy(gl, &xpix, &ypix);
! canvas_objtext(gl, xpix, ypix, 1, b);
--- 9413,9417 ----
glist_getnextxy(gl, &xpix, &ypix);
! canvas_objtext(gl, xpix, ypix, 1, b, -1);
*** 9594,9598 ****
binbuf_restore(b, 1, &at);
glist_getnextxy(gl, &xpix, &ypix);
! canvas_objtext(gl, xpix, ypix, 1, b);
--- 9427,9431 ----
binbuf_restore(b, 1, &at);
glist_getnextxy(gl, &xpix, &ypix);
! canvas_objtext(gl, xpix, ypix, 1, b, -1);
*** 10100,10105 ****
- void glist_drawiofor(t_glist *glist, t_object *ob, int firsttime, char *tag, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {}
void text_setto(t_text *x, t_glist *glist, char *buf, int bufsize) {
if (x->te_type == T_OBJECT) {
--- 9933,9936 ----
*** 10124,10128 ****
int xwas = x->te_xpix, ywas = x->te_ypix;
glist_delete(glist, &x->te_g);
! canvas_objtext(glist, xwas, ywas, 0, b);
/* if it's an abstraction loadbang it here */
if (newest && pd_class(newest) == canvas_class)
--- 9955,9959 ----
int xwas = x->te_xpix, ywas = x->te_ypix;
glist_delete(glist, &x->te_g);
! canvas_objtext(glist, xwas, ywas, 0, b, -1);
/* if it's an abstraction loadbang it here */
if (newest && pd_class(newest) == canvas_class)
*** 10161,10174 ****
! static void canvas_object_insert(t_canvas *x, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
t_text *o;
! t_symbol *name;
! if (argc<1 || argv[0]->a_type != T_SYMBOL) {error("$1 must be symbol"); return;}
! name = atom_getsymbol(argv[0]);
! if (sscanf(name->s_name,"!x%lx",(long*)&o)<1) {error("gargamel was here"); return;}
! glist_delete(x,(t_gobj *)o);
- */
void g_text_setup(void) {
--- 9992,10019 ----
! static void canvas_reorder_last(t_canvas *x, int dest) {
! t_gobj *y = x->gl_list;
! for (y = x->gl_list; y->g_next; y = y2->g_next) {}
! if (y==x->gl_list) return;
! y->g_next = y;
! }
! */
! /* this supposes that $2=#X and $3=obj */
! static void canvas_object_insert(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
t_text *o;
! t_binbuf *b;
! int i;
! if (argc<1) {error("not enough args"); return;}
! if (argv[0].a_type != A_FLOAT) {error("$1 must be float"); return;}
! i = atom_getfloat(argv);
! printf("canvas_object_insert: HELLO\n");
! b = binbuf_new();
! binbuf_restore(b, argc-5, argv+5);
! canvas_objtext(x,atom_getintarg(3,argc,argv),atom_getintarg(4,argc,argv),0,b,-1);
! /*canvas_reorder_last(x,i);*/
+ /*err: canvas_unsetcurrent(x);*/
void g_text_setup(void) {
*** 11516,11520 ****
/* should die: */
- class_addmethod3(c,canvas_tidy, "tidy","");
/* end die */
--- 11361,11364 ----
*** 11557,11561 ****
! class_addmethod3(c,canvas_object_delete,"object_insert","*");
class_setnotice(c, canvas_notice);
--- 11401,11405 ----
! class_addmethod3(c,canvas_object_insert,"object_insert","*");
class_setnotice(c, canvas_notice);