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just some more reformatting.
Index: kernel.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/kernel.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.5 -r1.1.2.6
*** kernel.c 20 Dec 2006 08:25:53 -0000
--- kernel.c 20 Dec 2006 13:29:52 -0000
*** 19,71 ****
! void *getbytes(size_t nbytes)
! {
void *ret;
if (nbytes < 1) nbytes = 1;
ret = (void *)calloc(nbytes, 1);
! if (!ret)
! post("pd: getbytes() failed -- out of memory");
! return (ret);
! void *copybytes(void *src, size_t nbytes)
! {
void *ret;
ret = getbytes(nbytes);
! if (nbytes)
! memcpy(ret, src, nbytes);
! return (ret);
! void *resizebytes(void *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
! {
void *ret;
if (newsize < 1) newsize = 1;
if (oldsize < 1) oldsize = 1;
ret = (void *)realloc((char *)old, newsize);
! if (newsize > oldsize && ret)
! memset(((char *)ret) + oldsize, 0, newsize - oldsize);
! if (!ret)
! post("pd: resizebytes() failed -- out of memory");
! return (ret);
! void freebytes(void *fatso, size_t nbytes)
! {
! free(fatso);
! }
/* in the following size_t is assumed to have the same size as a pointer type !!! */
/* T.Grill - get aligned memory */
! void *getalignedbytes(size_t nbytes)
! {
/* to align the region we also need some extra memory to save the original pointer location
! it is saved immediately before the aligned vector memory
! */
void *vec = getbytes(nbytes+ (VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
! if (vec != NULL)
! {
/* get alignment of first possible signal vector byte */
t_int alignment = ((t_int)vec+sizeof(void *))&(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1);
--- 19,57 ----
! void *getbytes(size_t nbytes) {
void *ret;
if (nbytes < 1) nbytes = 1;
ret = (void *)calloc(nbytes, 1);
! if (!ret) post("pd: getbytes() failed -- out of memory");
! return ret;
! void *copybytes(void *src, size_t nbytes) {
void *ret;
ret = getbytes(nbytes);
! if (nbytes) memcpy(ret, src, nbytes);
! return ret;
! void *resizebytes(void *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) {
void *ret;
if (newsize < 1) newsize = 1;
if (oldsize < 1) oldsize = 1;
ret = (void *)realloc((char *)old, newsize);
! if (newsize > oldsize && ret) memset(((char *)ret) + oldsize, 0, newsize - oldsize);
! if (!ret) post("pd: resizebytes() failed -- out of memory");
! return ret;
! void freebytes(void *old, size_t nbytes) {free(old);}
/* in the following size_t is assumed to have the same size as a pointer type !!! */
/* T.Grill - get aligned memory */
! void *getalignedbytes(size_t nbytes) {
/* to align the region we also need some extra memory to save the original pointer location
! it is saved immediately before the aligned vector memory */
void *vec = getbytes(nbytes+ (VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
! if (vec != NULL) {
/* get alignment of first possible signal vector byte */
t_int alignment = ((t_int)vec+sizeof(void *))&(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1);
*** 76,118 ****
return ret;
! else
! return 0;
/* T.Grill - free aligned vector memory */
! void freealignedbytes(void *ptr,size_t nbytes)
! {
/* get original memory location */
void *ori = *(void **)((unsigned char *)ptr-sizeof(void *));
freebytes(ori,nbytes+(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
/* T.Grill - resize aligned vector memory */
! void *resizealignedbytes(void *ptr,size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
! {
/* get original memory location */
void *ori = *(void **)((unsigned char *)ptr-sizeof(void *));
! void *vec = resizebytes(ori,oldsize+(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *),
! newsize+ (VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
/* get alignment of first possible signal vector byte */
t_int alignment = ((t_int)vec+sizeof(void *))&(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1);
/* calculate aligned pointer */
! void *ret = (unsigned char *)vec+sizeof(void *)+
! (alignment == 0?0:VECTORALIGNMENT/8-alignment);
/* save original memory location */
*(void **)((unsigned char *)ret-sizeof(void *)) = vec;
! return ret;
/* TB: copy to aligned vector memory */
! void *copyalignedbytes(void *src, size_t nbytes)
! {
void *ret;
ret = getalignedbytes(nbytes);
! if (nbytes)
! memcpy(ret, src, nbytes);
! return (ret);
--- 62,97 ----
return ret;
! return 0;
/* T.Grill - free aligned vector memory */
! void freealignedbytes(void *ptr,size_t nbytes) {
/* get original memory location */
void *ori = *(void **)((unsigned char *)ptr-sizeof(void *));
freebytes(ori,nbytes+(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
/* T.Grill - resize aligned vector memory */
! void *resizealignedbytes(void *ptr,size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) {
/* get original memory location */
void *ori = *(void **)((unsigned char *)ptr-sizeof(void *));
! void *vec = resizebytes(ori,oldsize+(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *),
! newsize+(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1)+sizeof(void *));
/* get alignment of first possible signal vector byte */
t_int alignment = ((t_int)vec+sizeof(void *))&(VECTORALIGNMENT/8-1);
/* calculate aligned pointer */
! void *ret = (unsigned char *)vec+sizeof(void *)+(alignment == 0?0:VECTORALIGNMENT/8-alignment);
/* save original memory location */
*(void **)((unsigned char *)ret-sizeof(void *)) = vec;
! return ret;
/* TB: copy to aligned vector memory */
! void *copyalignedbytes(void *src, size_t nbytes) {
void *ret;
ret = getalignedbytes(nbytes);
! if (nbytes) memcpy(ret, src, nbytes);
! return ret;
*** 235,239 ****
t_symbol *atom_gensym(t_atom *a) { /* this works better for graph labels */
char buf[30];
! if (a->a_type == A_SYMBOL) return (a->a_w.w_symbol);
else if (a->a_type == A_FLOAT) sprintf(buf, "%g", a->a_w.w_float);
else strcpy(buf, "???");
--- 214,218 ----
t_symbol *atom_gensym(t_atom *a) { /* this works better for graph labels */
char buf[30];
! if (a->a_type == A_SYMBOL) return a->a_w.w_symbol;
else if (a->a_type == A_FLOAT) sprintf(buf, "%g", a->a_w.w_float);
else strcpy(buf, "???");
*** 317,326 ****
if (c->c_gobj) ((t_gobj *)x)->g_adix = appendix_new((t_gobj *)x);
! if (c->c_patchable)
! {
((t_object *)x)->ob_inlet = 0;
((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet = 0;
! return (x);
--- 296,304 ----
if (c->c_gobj) ((t_gobj *)x)->g_adix = appendix_new((t_gobj *)x);
! if (c->c_patchable) {
((t_object *)x)->ob_inlet = 0;
((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet = 0;
! return x;
*** 340,348 ****
! void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b)
! {
t_class *c = x->g_pd;
! if (c->c_savefn)
! (c->c_savefn)(x, b);
--- 318,324 ----
! void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b) {
t_class *c = x->g_pd;
! if (c->c_savefn) c->c_savefn(x, b);
*** 353,358 ****
static t_class *bindlist_class;
! typedef struct _bindelem
! {
t_pd *e_who;
struct _bindelem *e_next;
--- 329,333 ----
static t_class *bindlist_class;
! typedef struct _bindelem {
t_pd *e_who;
struct _bindelem *e_next;
*** 411,420 ****
void pd_unbind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (s->s_thing == x) s->s_thing = 0;
! else if (s->s_thing && *s->s_thing == bindlist_class) {
! /* bindlists always have at least two elements... if the number
! goes down to one, get rid of the bindlist and bind the symbol
! straight to the remaining element. */
t_bindlist *b = (t_bindlist *)s->s_thing;
t_bindelem *e, *e2;
--- 386,395 ----
+ /* bindlists always have at least two elements... if the number
+ goes down to one, get rid of the bindlist and bind the symbol
+ straight to the remaining element. */
void pd_unbind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (s->s_thing == x) {s->s_thing = 0; return;}
! if (s->s_thing && *s->s_thing == bindlist_class) {
t_bindlist *b = (t_bindlist *)s->s_thing;
t_bindelem *e, *e2;
*** 422,427 ****
b->b_list = e->e_next;
freebytes(e, sizeof(t_bindelem));
! }
! else for (e = b->b_list; (e2=e->e_next); e = e2) if (e2->e_who == x) {
e->e_next = e2->e_next;
freebytes(e2, sizeof(t_bindelem));
--- 397,401 ----
b->b_list = e->e_next;
freebytes(e, sizeof(t_bindelem));
! } else for (e = b->b_list; (e2=e->e_next); e = e2) if (e2->e_who == x) {
e->e_next = e2->e_next;
freebytes(e2, sizeof(t_bindelem));
*** 438,456 ****
void zz(void) {}
! t_pd *pd_findbyclass(t_symbol *s, t_class *c)
! {
t_pd *x = 0;
! if (!s->s_thing) return (0);
! if (*s->s_thing == c) return (s->s_thing);
! if (*s->s_thing == bindlist_class)
! {
t_bindlist *b = (t_bindlist *)s->s_thing;
t_bindelem *e;
int warned = 0;
! for (e = b->b_list; e; e = e->e_next)
! if (*e->e_who == c)
! {
! if (x && !warned)
! {
post("warning: %s: multiply defined", s->s_name);
--- 412,425 ----
void zz(void) {}
! t_pd *pd_findbyclass(t_symbol *s, t_class *c) {
t_pd *x = 0;
! if (!s->s_thing) return 0;
! if (*s->s_thing == c) return s->s_thing;
! if (*s->s_thing == bindlist_class) {
t_bindlist *b = (t_bindlist *)s->s_thing;
t_bindelem *e;
int warned = 0;
! for (e = b->b_list; e; e = e->e_next) if (*e->e_who == c) {
! if (x && !warned) {
post("warning: %s: multiply defined", s->s_name);
*** 467,472 ****
#undef g_next
! typedef struct _gstack
! {
t_pd *g_what;
t_symbol *g_loadingabstraction;
--- 436,440 ----
#undef g_next
! typedef struct _gstack {
t_pd *g_what;
t_symbol *g_loadingabstraction;
*** 478,493 ****
static t_symbol *pd_loadingabstraction;
! int pd_setloadingabstraction(t_symbol *sym)
! {
t_gstack *foo = gstack_head;
! for (foo = gstack_head; foo; foo = foo->g_next)
! if (foo->g_loadingabstraction == sym)
! return (1);
pd_loadingabstraction = sym;
! return (0);
! void pd_pushsym(t_pd *x)
! {
t_gstack *y = (t_gstack *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*y));
y->g_what = s__X.s_thing;
--- 446,457 ----
static t_symbol *pd_loadingabstraction;
! int pd_setloadingabstraction(t_symbol *sym) {
t_gstack *foo = gstack_head;
! for (foo = gstack_head; foo; foo = foo->g_next) if (foo->g_loadingabstraction == sym) return 1;
pd_loadingabstraction = sym;
! return 0;
! void pd_pushsym(t_pd *x) {
t_gstack *y = (t_gstack *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*y));
y->g_what = s__X.s_thing;
*** 499,507 ****
! void pd_popsym(t_pd *x)
! {
if (!gstack_head || s__X.s_thing != x) bug("gstack_pop");
! else
! {
t_gstack *headwas = gstack_head;
s__X.s_thing = headwas->g_what;
--- 463,469 ----
! void pd_popsym(t_pd *x) {
if (!gstack_head || s__X.s_thing != x) bug("gstack_pop");
! else {
t_gstack *headwas = gstack_head;
s__X.s_thing = headwas->g_what;
*** 512,519 ****
! void pd_doloadbang(void)
! {
! if (lastpopped)
! pd_vmess(lastpopped, gensym("loadbang"), "");
lastpopped = 0;
--- 474,479 ----
! void pd_doloadbang(void) {
! if (lastpopped) pd_vmess(lastpopped, gensym("loadbang"), "");
lastpopped = 0;
*** 563,568 ****
/* tb: } */
! union inletunion
! {
t_symbol *iu_symto;
t_gpointer *iu_pointerslot;
--- 523,527 ----
/* tb: } */
! union inletunion {
t_symbol *iu_symto;
t_gpointer *iu_pointerslot;
*** 574,579 ****
int sys_tooltips = 1;
! struct _inlet
! {
t_pd i_pd;
struct _inlet *i_next;
--- 533,537 ----
int sys_tooltips = 1;
! struct _inlet {
t_pd i_pd;
struct _inlet *i_next;
*** 600,628 ****
/* --------------------- generic inlets ala max ------------------ */
! t_inlet *inlet_new(t_object *owner, t_pd *dest, t_symbol *s1, t_symbol *s2)
! {
t_inlet *x = (t_inlet *)pd_new(inlet_class), *y, *y2;
x->i_owner = owner;
x->i_dest = dest;
! if (s1 == &s_signal)
! x->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue = 0;
else x->i_symto = s2;
x->i_symfrom = s1;
x->i_next = 0;
x->i_tip = gensym("?");
! if (y = owner->ob_inlet)
! {
while ((y2=y->i_next)) y = y2;
y->i_next = x;
else owner->ob_inlet = x;
! return (x);
! t_inlet *signalinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_float f)
! {
t_inlet *x = inlet_new(owner, &owner->ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
x->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue = f;
! return (x);
--- 558,582 ----
/* --------------------- generic inlets ala max ------------------ */
! t_inlet *inlet_new(t_object *owner, t_pd *dest, t_symbol *s1, t_symbol *s2) {
t_inlet *x = (t_inlet *)pd_new(inlet_class), *y, *y2;
x->i_owner = owner;
x->i_dest = dest;
! if (s1 == &s_signal) x->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue = 0;
else x->i_symto = s2;
x->i_symfrom = s1;
x->i_next = 0;
x->i_tip = gensym("?");
! if (y = owner->ob_inlet) {
while ((y2=y->i_next)) y = y2;
y->i_next = x;
else owner->ob_inlet = x;
! return x;
! t_inlet *signalinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_float f) {
t_inlet *x = inlet_new(owner, &owner->ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
x->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue = f;
! return x;
*** 679,684 ****
! void inlet_free(t_inlet *x)
! {
t_object *y = x->i_owner;
t_inlet *x2;
--- 633,637 ----
! void inlet_free(t_inlet *x) {
t_object *y = x->i_owner;
t_inlet *x2;
*** 734,739 ****
Before you call this check that the object doesn't have a more
specific way to handle lists. */
! void obj_list(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
! {
t_atom *ap;
int count;
--- 687,691 ----
Before you call this check that the object doesn't have a more
specific way to handle lists. */
! void obj_list(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
t_atom *ap;
int count;
*** 787,792 ****
} t_wire;
! struct _outlet
! {
t_object *o_owner;
struct _outlet *o_next;
--- 739,743 ----
} t_wire;
! struct _outlet {
t_object *o_owner;
struct _outlet *o_next;
*** 816,833 ****
! t_outlet *outlet_new(t_object *owner, t_symbol *s)
! {
t_outlet *x = (t_outlet *)getbytes(sizeof(*x)), *y, *y2;
x->o_owner = owner;
x->o_next = 0;
! if (y = owner->ob_outlet)
! {
while (y2 = y->o_next) y = y2;
y->o_next = x;
! }
! else owner->ob_outlet = x;
x->o_connections = 0;
x->o_sym = s;
! return (x);
--- 767,781 ----
! t_outlet *outlet_new(t_object *owner, t_symbol *s) {
t_outlet *x = (t_outlet *)getbytes(sizeof(*x)), *y, *y2;
x->o_owner = owner;
x->o_next = 0;
! if (y = owner->ob_outlet) {
while (y2 = y->o_next) y = y2;
y->o_next = x;
! } else owner->ob_outlet = x;
x->o_connections = 0;
x->o_sym = s;
! return x;
*** 1061,1071 ****
if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) {
if (!m--)
! return x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin > 0 ?
! (t_sample *)(((char *)x) + x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) : 0;
for (i = x->ob_inlet; i; i = i->i_next, m--) if (i->i_symfrom == &s_signal) {
! if (m == 0)
! return (&i->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue);
--- 1009,1017 ----
if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) {
if (!m--)
! return x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin > 0 ? (t_sample *)(((char *)x) + x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) : 0;
for (i = x->ob_inlet; i; i = i->i_next, m--) if (i->i_symfrom == &s_signal) {
! if (m == 0) return &i->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue;