Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29220
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
first attempt to make desire.tk work without tk
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.593 -r1.1.2.594
*** desire.tk 27 Nov 2006 18:31:47 -0000
--- desire.tk 27 Nov 2006 19:37:45 -0000
*** 31,34 ****
--- 31,36 ----
# this command rebuilds the package index: echo pkg_mkIndex . | tclsh
+ if {[catch {winfo children .}]} {set tk 0} {set tk 1}
set argh0 [file normalize [file join [pwd] $argv0]]
set auto_path [concat . \
*** 39,43 ****
package require poe
! package require bgerror
#catch {package require Tclx}
#if {[catch {source profile_dd.tcl}]} {error_dump}
--- 41,45 ----
package require poe
! if {$tk} {package require bgerror}
#catch {package require Tclx}
#if {[catch {source profile_dd.tcl}]} {error_dump}
*** 238,242 ****
def Clipboard2 value {} {return $@value}
! set clipboard [Clipboard1 new]
#used during subpatcherize
--- 240,249 ----
def Clipboard2 value {} {return $@value}
! if {$tk} {
! set clipboard [Clipboard1 new]
! } else {
! set clipboard [Clipboard2 new]
! }
#used during subpatcherize
*** 349,378 ****
! option add *foreground #000000
! #option add *backgroundPixmap /usr/share/themes/BrushedMetalBlue/gtk/brushed-dark.xpm widgetDefault
! #option add *backgroundPixmap /home/matju/brushed-dark.gif widgetDefault
! option add *font {Helvetica -12}
! foreach tkclass {Menu Button Checkbutton Radiobutton Entry Text Spinbox Scrollbar Canvas} {
! option add *$tkclass*borderWidth 1
! }
! foreach tkclass {CheckButton RadioButton} {
! option add *$tkclass*selectColor #dd3000
! }
! foreach tkclass {Entry Text} {
! option add *$tkclass*background #b0c4d8
! option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #6088b0
! #option add *$tkclass*background #d8c0c0 # motif-style
! #option add *$tkclass*background #b0d8d8 # hospital-green (call it "lichen")
! #option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #60b0b0
! }
! option add *__tk__messagebox*Canvas*borderWidth 0
! foreach tkclass {Listbox} {
! option add *$tkclass*background #c4d8b0
! option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #88b060
! }
! foreach tkclass {Label} {
! #option add *$tkclass*background #909090
--- 356,398 ----
! if {$tk} {
! option add *foreground #000000
! option add *font {Helvetica -12}
! foreach tkclass {Menu Button Checkbutton Radiobutton Entry Text Spinbox Scrollbar Canvas} {
! option add *$tkclass*borderWidth 1
! }
! foreach tkclass {CheckButton RadioButton} {
! option add *$tkclass*selectColor #dd3000
! }
! foreach tkclass {Entry Text} {
! option add *$tkclass*background #b0c4d8
! option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #6088b0
! }
! option add *__tk__messagebox*Canvas*borderWidth 0
! foreach tkclass {Listbox} {
! option add *$tkclass*background #c4d8b0
! option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #88b060
! }
! foreach tkclass {Label} {
! #option add *$tkclass*background #909090
! }
! # very small icons:
! foreach {name w h values} {
! icon_empty 7 7 "0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
! icon_plus 7 7 "8,8,8,127,8,8,8"
! icon_minus 7 7 "0,0,0,127,0,0,0"
! icon_uparrow 7 5 "8,28,62,127,0"
! icon_downarrow 7 5 "0,127,62,28,8"
! } {
! image create bitmap $name -data "#define z_width $w\n#define z_height $h
! static unsigned char z_bits[] = { $values };"
! }
! # it's unfortunate but we seem to have to turn off global bindings
! # for Text objects to get control-s and control-t to do what we want for
! # "text" dialogs below. Also we have to get rid of tab's changing the focus.
! bind all <Key-Tab> ""
! bind all <<PrevWindow>> ""
! bind Text <Control-t> {}
! bind Text <Control-s> {}
*** 393,408 ****
- # very small icons:
- foreach {name w h values} {
- icon_empty 7 7 "0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
- icon_plus 7 7 "8,8,8,127,8,8,8"
- icon_minus 7 7 "0,0,0,127,0,0,0"
- icon_uparrow 7 5 "8,28,62,127,0"
- icon_downarrow 7 5 "0,127,62,28,8"
- } {
- image create bitmap $name -data "#define z_width $w\n#define z_height $h
- static unsigned char z_bits[] = { $values };"
- }
switch $::OS {
osx {set pd_tearoff 0}
--- 413,416 ----
*** 410,423 ****
- # it's unfortunate but we seem to have to turn off global bindings
- # for Text objects to get control-s and control-t to do what we want for
- # "text" dialogs below. Also we have to get rid of tab's changing the focus.
- bind all <Key-Tab> ""
- bind all <<PrevWindow>> ""
- bind Text <Control-t> {}
- bind Text <Control-s> {}
- # puts stderr [bind all]
proc guess_lang {} {
set lang C
--- 418,421 ----
*** 431,435 ****
set leet 0
proc say {k args} {
global text leet
--- 429,432 ----
*** 884,887 ****
--- 881,889 ----
# it's necessary to raise the window on OSX
switch $::OS { osx {raise .; wm iconify .; after 100 {wm deiconify .}}}
+ after 0 {
+ Listener new .tcl "Tcl Client" tcl_eval
+ Listener new .pd " Pd Server" pd_eval
+ }
+ if {$::cmdline(console)} {make_console}
*** 979,984 ****
- set main [Client new]
#fixme: actually, is it ok that View<Menuable ? --matju
--- 981,984 ----
*** 1820,1825 ****
- set window_list [list $main]
def Menuable fix_window_menu {} {
global window_list
--- 1820,1823 ----
*** 5496,5501 ****
- if {$cmdline(console)} {make_console}
############ evaluator
--- 5494,5497 ----
*** 5576,5585 ****
proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l"; pd $l}
- after 0 {
- Listener new .tcl "Tcl Client" tcl_eval
- Listener new .pd " Pd Server" pd_eval
- }
############ button bar
--- 5572,5575 ----
*** 7425,7426 ****
--- 7415,7426 ----
# Nous sommes donc en présence d'un incendie. C'est normal...
def OopsDialog damn {} {$self ok}
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if {$tk} {
+ set main [Client new]
+ set window_list [list $main]
+ } else {
+ package require tclreadline
+ ::tclreadline::Loop
+ }