Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19828
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
finally fed up with the long Canvas click, its now a lot shorter
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.514 -r1.1.2.515
*** desire.tk 18 Oct 2006 23:23:54 -0000
--- desire.tk 19 Oct 2006 01:42:32 -0000
*** 1048,1054 ****
def View item_delete {{suffix all}} {
set c [$@canvas widget]
switch -- $suffix {
all {$c delete $self }
! default {$c delete $self$suffix}}}
def View draw {} {}
--- 1048,1056 ----
def View item_delete {{suffix all}} {
set c [$@canvas widget]
+ if {![winfo exists $c]} {return}
switch -- $suffix {
all {$c delete $self }
! default {$c delete $self$suffix}}
! }
def View draw {} {}
*** 1146,1151 ****
if {[$self class] == "Canvas" && $@canvas == ""} {return}
if {$@inside_box} {
! #set @canvas [$@canvas canvas]
! $self draw
} else {
# for drawing opened gop
--- 1148,1152 ----
if {[$self class] == "Canvas" && $@canvas == ""} {return}
if {$@inside_box} {
! if {[$@canvas mapped]} {$self draw}
} else {
# for drawing opened gop
*** 2793,2797 ****
- #!@#$ this method is too long
def Canvas click {x y f target} {
if {[winfo exists .completion]} {
--- 2794,2797 ----
*** 2801,2871 ****
mset {type id detail} $target
- if {!$@gop} {
- if {[info exists @subpatch]} {
- if {$@subpatch} {
- if {!$@mapped} {
- #can't wait till @mapped get updated till the update_object
- set @mapped 1
- pd .$self map 1
- $self init_window
- $self redraw
- return
- } else {
- set c [$self widget]
- focus $c
- if {$id == $self} {return}
- }
- }
- } else {
set c [$self widget]
focus $c
- }
- }
set @click_at [list $x $y]
! if {$f&8} {
! if {!$@editmode} {return}
! set c [$self widget]
! set @insert_x $x; set @insert_y $y
! $self popup $id [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c]
! return
! if {!$@editmode} {
! if {[llength $id]} {
! if {[$id class] != "Canvas"} {
! $id click $x $y $f $target
! } else {
! if {[$id subpatch]} {
! if {![$id mapped]} {
! $id popup_open
! } else {
! raise .$id
! }
- return
! if {[llength $@obj_in_edit]} {$@obj_in_edit unedit; set @obj_in_edit {}}
! set in_selection [expr [lsearch $@selection $id]>=0]
! switch $type {
! outlet {set @action [FutureWire new $self $x $y $f $target]; return}
! inlet {}
! object {
! if {[$id subpatch]} {puts "$id could be a subpatch"}
! $self selection+= $id; set @action edit
! switch [expr $f&255] {
! 2 {$self auto_wire}
! }
! }
! wire {
! #$self deselect_all
! set obj_selection [$self selection]
! if {[llength $obj_selection]} {$self selection-= $obj_selection}
! set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! switch [expr $f&255] {
0 {$self selection_wire= $id}
1 {$self selection_wire+= $id}
! 2 {# ctrl-click on wire?
set c [$self widget]
set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]]
--- 2801,2853 ----
mset {type id detail} $target
set c [$self widget]
focus $c
set @click_at [list $x $y]
! if {$f&8} {$self right_click $id $x $y; return}
! if {!$@editmode} {$self run_click $id $x $y $f $target; return}
! if {[llength $@obj_in_edit]} {$@obj_in_edit unedit; set @obj_in_edit {}}
! set in_selection [expr [lsearch $@selection $id]>=0]
! switch $type {
! outlet {set @action [FutureWire new $self $x $y $f $target]; return}
! inlet {}
! object {$self click_on_object $id $f}
! wire {$self click_on_wire $id $f $x $y}
! nothing {$self click_on_nothing $f $target $x $y; return}
! default {error "BORK: $type"}
! }
! def Canvas run_click {id x y f target} {
! if {[llength $id]} {
! if {[$id class] != "Canvas"} {
! $id click $x $y $f $target
! } else {
! if {[$id subpatch]} {
! if {![$id mapped]} {
! $id popup_open
! } else {
! raise .$id
! }
! def Canvas click_on_object {id f} {
! $self selection+= $id; set @action edit
! switch [expr $f&255] {
! 2 {$self auto_wire}
! }
! }
! def Canvas click_on_wire {id f x y} {
! set obj_selection [$self selection]
! if {[llength $obj_selection]} {$self selection-= $obj_selection}
! set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
! switch [expr $f&255] {
0 {$self selection_wire= $id}
1 {$self selection_wire+= $id}
! 2 {
set c [$self widget]
set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]]
*** 2875,2880 ****
set obj2 [lindex $@children [lindex $wire 2]]
set inlet [lindex $wire 3]
- #mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj1}o${outlet}] [$@canvas zoom]]
- #mset {x3 y3 x4 y4} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj2}i${inlet}] [$@canvas zoom]]
mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj1}o${outlet}] [$self zoom]]
mset {x3 y3 x4 y4} [lmap / [$c bbox ${obj2}i${inlet}] [$self zoom]]
--- 2857,2860 ----
*** 2891,2900 ****
set @action [FutureWire new $self $x1 $y1 $f $target]
! }
! }
! nothing {
! $self deselect_all
! $self dehilite_io
! switch $@action {
edit {}
move {}
--- 2871,2881 ----
set @action [FutureWire new $self $x1 $y1 $f $target]
! }
! }
! def Canvas click_on_nothing {f target x y} {
! $self deselect_all
! $self dehilite_io
! switch $@action {
edit {}
move {}
*** 2903,2913 ****
chain_obj {}
default {$@action unclick $x $y $f $target}
- }
- set @action [SelRect new $self $x $y $f $target]
- return
- }
- default {error "BORK: $type"}
--- 2884,2896 ----
chain_obj {}
default {$@action unclick $x $y $f $target}
+ set @action [SelRect new $self $x $y $f $target]
+ }
+ def Canvas right_click {id x y} {
+ if {!$@editmode} {return}
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set @insert_x $x; set @insert_y $y
+ $self popup $id [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c]