Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/tb/sndfiler/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9029
Modified Files:
Log Message:
using a semaphore instead of a condion variable for synchronization
Index: sndfiler.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/tb/sndfiler/src/sndfiler.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** sndfiler.c 29 Nov 2005 18:34:32 -0000 1.3
--- sndfiler.c 16 Dec 2005 08:34:10 -0000 1.4
*** 46,49 ****
--- 46,50 ----
#include "m_fifo.h"
#include "pthread.h"
+ #include "semaphore.h"
#endif /* USE_PD_MAIN */
*** 90,94 ****
if (!template_find_field(_template, gensym("z"),
! &zonset, &ztype, &zarraytype))
error("array: template %s has no 'z' field", templatesym->s_name);
--- 91,95 ----
if (!template_find_field(_template, gensym("z"),
! &zonset, &ztype, &zarraytype))
error("array: template %s has no 'z' field", templatesym->s_name);
*** 98,102 ****
error("array: template %s, 'z' field is not an array",
! templatesym->s_name);
return (0);
--- 99,103 ----
error("array: template %s, 'z' field is not an array",
! templatesym->s_name);
return (0);
*** 129,135 ****
t_fifo* x_jobs;
! pthread_mutex_t mutex;
! pthread_cond_t cond;
} t_sfqueue;
--- 130,134 ----
t_fifo* x_jobs;
! sem_t sem;
} t_sfqueue;
*** 159,164 ****
t_sfprocess * me;
! pthread_cond_wait(&sndfiler_queue.cond, &sndfiler_queue.mutex);
while (me = (t_sfprocess *)fifo_get(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs))
--- 158,163 ----
t_sfprocess * me;
! sem_wait(&sndfiler_queue.sem);
while (me = (t_sfprocess *)fifo_get(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs))
*** 180,186 ****
//initialize queue
sndfiler_queue.x_jobs = fifo_init();
! pthread_mutex_init (&sndfiler_queue.mutex,NULL);
! pthread_cond_init (&sndfiler_queue.cond,NULL);
// initialize thread
--- 179,184 ----
//initialize queue
sndfiler_queue.x_jobs = fifo_init();
! sem_init (&sndfiler_queue.sem,0,0);
// initialize thread
*** 199,203 ****
//start thread
status = pthread_create(&sf_thread_id, &sf_attr,
! (void *) sndfiler_thread,NULL);
if (status != 0)
--- 197,201 ----
//start thread
status = pthread_create(&sf_thread_id, &sf_attr,
! (void *) sndfiler_thread,NULL);
if (status != 0)
*** 205,209 ****
post("Global sndfiler thread launched, priority: %d",
! sf_param.sched_priority);
--- 203,207 ----
post("Global sndfiler thread launched, priority: %d",
! sf_param.sched_priority);
*** 227,231 ****
fifo_put(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs, process);
! pthread_cond_signal(&sndfiler_queue.cond);
--- 225,229 ----
fifo_put(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs, process);
! sem_post(&sndfiler_queue.sem);
*** 248,267 ****
// parse flags
while (argc > 0 && argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL &&
! *argv->a_w.w_symbol->s_name == '-')
char *flag = argv->a_w.w_symbol->s_name + 1;
! if (!strcmp(flag, "resize"))
! {
! resize = 1;
! argc -= 1; argv += 1;
! }
! else if (!strcmp(flag, "skip"))
! {
! if (argc < 2 || argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT ||
! ((seek = argv[1].a_w.w_float) == 0))
! goto usage;
! argc -= 2; argv += 2;
! }
! else goto usage;
--- 246,265 ----
// parse flags
while (argc > 0 && argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL &&
! *argv->a_w.w_symbol->s_name == '-')
char *flag = argv->a_w.w_symbol->s_name + 1;
! if (!strcmp(flag, "resize"))
! {
! resize = 1;
! argc -= 1; argv += 1;
! }
! else if (!strcmp(flag, "skip"))
! {
! if (argc < 2 || argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT ||
! ((seek = argv[1].a_w.w_float) == 0))
! goto usage;
! argc -= 2; argv += 2;
! }
! else goto usage;
*** 278,307 ****
t_float *dummy;
! int size;
t_garray *array;
if(!(array = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(
! atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv), garray_class)))
! {
! pd_error(x, "%s: no such array", atom_getsymbolarg(i+1,
! argc, argv)->s_name);
! return;
! }
! if(garray_getfloatarray(array, &size, &dummy))
! arrays[i] = array;
! else
! {
! pd_error(x, "%s: bad template for sndfiler", atom_getsymbolarg(i+1,
! argc, argv)->s_name);
! return;
! }
! // in multichannel mode: check if arrays have different length
! if (arraysize && arraysize != size && !resize)
! {
! post("sndfiler: arrays have different lengths, resizing to last one ...");
! }
! arraysize = size;
--- 276,305 ----
t_float *dummy;
! int size;
t_garray *array;
if(!(array = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(
! atom_getsymbolarg(i+1, argc, argv), garray_class)))
! {
! pd_error(x, "%s: no such array", atom_getsymbolarg(i+1,
! argc, argv)->s_name);
! return;
! }
! if(garray_getfloatarray(array, &size, &dummy))
! arrays[i] = array;
! else
! {
! pd_error(x, "%s: bad template for sndfiler", atom_getsymbolarg(i+1,
! argc, argv)->s_name);
! return;
! }
! // in multichannel mode: check if arrays have different length
! if (arraysize && arraysize != size && !resize)
! {
! post("sndfiler: arrays have different lengths, resizing to last one ...");
! }
! arraysize = size;
*** 312,316 ****
int pos = 0;
int maxchannels = (channel_count < info.channels) ?
! channel_count : info.channels;
t_float * item = alloca(maxchannels * sizeof(t_float));
--- 310,314 ----
int pos = 0;
int maxchannels = (channel_count < info.channels) ?
! channel_count : info.channels;
t_float * item = alloca(maxchannels * sizeof(t_float));
*** 318,344 ****
t_int ** syncdata = getbytes(sizeof(t_int*) * 5);
! // negative seek: offset from the end of the file
! if(seek<0)
! {
! pos = sf_seek(sndfile, seek, SEEK_END);
! }
! if(seek>0)
! {
! pos = sf_seek(sndfile, seek, SEEK_SET);
! }
! if(pos == -1)
! {
! pd_error(x, "invalid seek in soundfile");
! return;
! }
! if(resize)
! {
! writesize = (info.frames-pos);
! arraysize = writesize;
! }
! else
! writesize = (arraysize>(info.frames-pos)) ?
! info.frames-pos : arraysize;
#if (_POSIX_MEMLOCK - 0) >= 200112L
--- 316,342 ----
t_int ** syncdata = getbytes(sizeof(t_int*) * 5);
! // negative seek: offset from the end of the file
! if(seek<0)
! {
! pos = sf_seek(sndfile, seek, SEEK_END);
! }
! if(seek>0)
! {
! pos = sf_seek(sndfile, seek, SEEK_SET);
! }
! if(pos == -1)
! {
! pd_error(x, "invalid seek in soundfile");
! return;
! }
! if(resize)
! {
! writesize = (info.frames-pos);
! arraysize = writesize;
! }
! else
! writesize = (arraysize>(info.frames-pos)) ?
! info.frames-pos : arraysize;
#if (_POSIX_MEMLOCK - 0) >= 200112L
*** 364,381 ****
! // fill remaining elements with zero
! if(!resize && (arraysize>(info.frames-pos)))
! {
! for (i = writesize; i != arraysize; ++i)
! {
! for (j = 0; j != info.channels; ++j)
! {
! if (j < channel_count)
! {
! helper_arrays[j][i] = 0;
! }
! }
! }
! }
#if (_POSIX_MEMLOCK - 0) >= 200112L
--- 362,379 ----
! // fill remaining elements with zero
! if(!resize && (arraysize>(info.frames-pos)))
! {
! for (i = writesize; i != arraysize; ++i)
! {
! for (j = 0; j != info.channels; ++j)
! {
! if (j < channel_count)
! {
! helper_arrays[j][i] = 0;
! }
! }
! }
! }
#if (_POSIX_MEMLOCK - 0) >= 200112L
*** 392,406 ****
sys_callback(sndfiler_synchonize, (t_int*)syncdata, 5);
! return;
pd_error(x, "Error opening file");
! return;
! usage:
pd_error(x, "usage: read [flags] filename array1 array2 ...");
! post("flags: -skip <n> -resize ");
--- 390,404 ----
sys_callback(sndfiler_synchonize, (t_int*)syncdata, 5);
! return;
pd_error(x, "Error opening file");
! return;
! usage:
pd_error(x, "usage: read [flags] filename array1 array2 ...");
! post("flags: -skip <n> -resize ");
*** 427,431 ****
vmess(&gl->gl_pd, gensym("bounds"), "ffff", 0., gl->gl_y1,
! (double)(frames > 1 ? frames-1 : 1), gl->gl_y2);
/* close any dialogs that might have the wrong info now... */
--- 425,429 ----
vmess(&gl->gl_pd, gensym("bounds"), "ffff", 0., gl->gl_y1,
! (double)(frames > 1 ? frames-1 : 1), gl->gl_y2);
/* close any dialogs that might have the wrong info now... */
*** 462,466 ****
fifo_put(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs, process);
! pthread_cond_signal(&sndfiler_queue.cond);
--- 460,464 ----
fifo_put(sndfiler_queue.x_jobs, process);
! sem_post(&sndfiler_queue.sem);
*** 562,567 ****
! usage:
! pd_error(x, "usage: resize tablename size");
--- 560,565 ----
! usage:
! pd_error(x, "usage: resize tablename size");
*** 569,579 ****
sndfiler_class = class_new(gensym("sndfiler"),
! (t_newmethod)sndfiler_new, 0,
! sizeof(t_sndfiler), 0, 0);
class_addmethod(sndfiler_class, (t_method)sndfiler_read,
! gensym("read"), A_GIMME, 0);
class_addmethod(sndfiler_class, (t_method)sndfiler_resize,
! gensym("resize"), A_GIMME, 0);
#ifdef USE_PD_MAIN
--- 567,577 ----
sndfiler_class = class_new(gensym("sndfiler"),
! (t_newmethod)sndfiler_new, 0,
! sizeof(t_sndfiler), 0, 0);
class_addmethod(sndfiler_class, (t_method)sndfiler_read,
! gensym("read"), A_GIMME, 0);
class_addmethod(sndfiler_class, (t_method)sndfiler_resize,
! gensym("resize"), A_GIMME, 0);
#ifdef USE_PD_MAIN