Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19817
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_39
Log Message:
merged the two @obj_in_edit fields together and added an accessor method
$canvas obj_in_edit= $self OR $canvas obj_in_edit= {}
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.83 -r1.1.2.84
*** desire.tk 13 Oct 2005 07:03:25 -0000
--- desire.tk 13 Oct 2005 08:17:51 -0000
*** 662,666 ****
set c .x$self.c
set focus(canvas) $self
- set _(focus) $self
toplevel $name -menu $name.m
wm geometry $name $geometry
--- 662,665 ----
*** 698,701 ****
--- 697,701 ----
set @wire_to {}
set @children {}
+ set @obj_in_edit {}
*** 847,851 ****
set name .x$self.c
set key [string tolower $key]
- set _(focus) $self
# for quit/save/undo
switch -- $key {
--- 847,850 ----
*** 1016,1025 ****
def* textbox edit {canvas} {
global look font
if {$@edit} {return}
set @edit 1
! set _($canvas:obj_in_edit_old) $self
! set _($canvas:obj_in_edit) 1
set @selected? 1
.x$canvas.c delete ${self}TEXT
--- 1015,1026 ----
+ def canvas obj_in_edit {} {return @obj_in_edit}
+ def canvas obj_in_edit= {v} {set @obj_in_edit $v}
def* textbox edit {canvas} {
global look font
if {$@edit} {return}
set @edit 1
! $canvas obj_in_edit= $self
set @selected? 1
.x$canvas.c delete ${self}TEXT
*** 1030,1034 ****
-bg ${look(objectbg)} -borderwidth 0 \
-font [format -*-courier-medium--normal--%d-* $font(size)]
- set _(focus) $self
bind $t <Key> "text_key $self $canvas %W %x %y %K %A 0"
bind $t <Control-Return> "text_key $self $canvas %W %x %y 10 %A 0"
--- 1031,1034 ----
*** 1069,1073 ****
set @edit 0
#if {[info exists _($canvas:selection)]} {
! # if {[info exists _($canvas:obj_in_edit)] && $_($canvas:obj_in_edit)} {
# set object [lindex $_($canvas:selection) 0]
# $object unedit $canvas
--- 1069,1073 ----
set @edit 0
#if {[info exists _($canvas:selection)]} {
! # if {[llength [$canvas obj_in_edit]]} {
# set object [lindex $_($canvas:selection) 0]
# $object unedit $canvas
*** 1078,1083 ****
# set _($canvas:selection) {}
! #set _($canvas:obj_in_edit) 1
! #set _($canvas:selection) {}
#$canvas selection= $self
#puts "new objectbox has text '$@text'"
--- 1078,1082 ----
# set _($canvas:selection) {}
! #$canvas obj_in_edit= 1
#$canvas selection= $self
#puts "new objectbox has text '$@text'"
*** 1087,1090 ****
--- 1086,1090 ----
# should remove dupes
def canvas selection+= {objs} {lappend @selection $objs}
+ def canvas selection {objs} {return @selection}
def* textbox update_size {} {
*** 1189,1196 ****
foreach obj $@selection {$obj erase}
# before obj is deleted, it will be selected, therefore
! # $@obj_in_edit == 1, so don't forget to set it to 0.
# needs to handle obj_in_edit and selection!!!
! set @obj_in_edit 0
! set @selection 0
--- 1189,1196 ----
foreach obj $@selection {$obj erase}
# before obj is deleted, it will be selected, therefore
! # $@obj_in_edit != {}, so don't forget to set it to {}.
# needs to handle obj_in_edit and selection!!!
! set @obj_in_edit {}
! set @selection {}
*** 1405,1409 ****
$old_obj unedit $self
! set @obj_in_edit 0
if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {
--- 1405,1409 ----
$old_obj unedit $self
! set @obj_in_edit {}
if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {
*** 1455,1465 ****
puts "clicked on black space and in edit mode"
# my object edit mode code begins --chun
! if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} {
! #puts "and some object is being edited"
! if {$@obj_in_edit > 0} {
! [lindex $@selection 0] unedit $self
! set @obj_in_edit 0
! }
if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {
--- 1455,1461 ----
puts "clicked on black space and in edit mode"
# my object edit mode code begins --chun
! if {[llength $@obj_in_edit]} {
! [lindex $@selection 0] unedit $self
! set @obj_in_edit {}
if {[llength $@selection] > 0} {
*** 1599,1604 ****
switch $_($@selection:class) {
objectbox {
! if {!$@obj_in_edit} {
! set @obj_in_edit 1
[lindex $@selection 0] edit $self
--- 1595,1600 ----
switch $_($@selection:class) {
objectbox {
! if {![llength $@obj_in_edit]} {
! set @obj_in_edit [lindex $@selection 1]
[lindex $@selection 0] edit $self
*** 2274,2278 ****
global offset _
set offset [expr $offset + 1]
- set canvas $_(focus)
set bang_id [format %x [expr 0x81168b0 - $offset]]
#puts "new object id -> $bang_id"
--- 2270,2273 ----