Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28595
Modified Files:
TODO hid-help.pd hid.c hid.h hid_darwin.c hid_linux.c
Log Message:
cleaned up the code a fair amount, but there are still lots of bugs bugs bugs...
Index: hid-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** hid-help.pd 6 Nov 2004 21:15:04 -0000 1.7
--- hid-help.pd 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.8
*** 1,4 ****
! #N canvas 143 45 927 650 10;
! #X msg 390 265 ev_rel rel_x 0 4.08559e+09;
#X obj 390 244 prepend set;
#X obj 149 473 route rel_x rel_y;
--- 1,4 ----
! #N canvas 156 27 943 666 10;
! #X msg 390 265 ev_rel rel_x 2 3.57445e+09;
#X obj 390 244 prepend set;
#X obj 149 473 route rel_x rel_y;
*** 21,28 ****
#X symbolatom 468 409 10 0 0 1 eventcode - -;
#X symbolatom 438 428 15 0 0 1 eventtype - -;
- #X floatatom 93 536 5 0 0 0 - - -;
- #X floatatom 168 537 5 0 0 0 - - -;
- #X obj 93 514 route key_f key_leftctrl btn_left;
- #X floatatom 243 537 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 177 296 bng 35 250 50 0 empty empty event_received 38 18 1 9
-225280 -1 -1;
--- 21,24 ----
*** 56,64 ****
#X text 397 111 refresh device list;
#X obj 248 225 hid 2;
! #X obj 337 514 unpack s f f;
! #X obj 376 532 tgl 25 0 empty empty any_button 27 13 1 9 -195568 -1
-1 0 1;
! #X obj 740 511 all_about_hid;
! #X text 631 512 For more info:;
#X text 49 588 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
--- 52,60 ----
#X text 397 111 refresh device list;
#X obj 248 225 hid 2;
! #X obj 94 524 unpack s f f;
! #X obj 133 542 tgl 25 0 empty empty any_button 27 13 1 9 -195568 -1
-1 0 1;
! #X obj 746 556 all_about_hid;
! #X text 637 557 For more info:;
#X text 49 588 (C) Copyright 2004 Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans(a)at.or.at>
*** 75,118 ****
#X text 371 56 !!! This software is very much alpha \, so any aspect
of it could change without notice !!!;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 1 4 0;
! #X connect 5 0 51 0;
! #X connect 6 0 51 0;
#X connect 8 0 19 0;
#X connect 8 1 18 0;
#X connect 8 2 17 0;
#X connect 8 3 7 0;
! #X connect 9 0 51 0;
! #X connect 10 0 51 0;
! #X connect 11 0 51 0;
! #X connect 12 0 51 0;
! #X connect 13 0 51 0;
! #X connect 16 0 51 0;
! #X connect 22 0 20 0;
! #X connect 22 1 21 0;
! #X connect 22 2 23 0;
! #X connect 22 3 52 0;
#X connect 41 0 40 0;
! #X connect 41 0 24 0;
! #X connect 42 0 41 1;
! #X connect 43 0 22 0;
! #X connect 43 1 2 0;
! #X connect 43 2 60 0;
! #X connect 43 3 46 0;
! #X connect 44 0 45 1;
! #X connect 45 0 44 0;
! #X connect 46 0 45 0;
! #X connect 47 0 51 0;
! #X connect 49 0 51 0;
! #X connect 51 0 41 0;
! #X connect 51 0 43 0;
! #X connect 51 0 1 0;
! #X connect 51 0 8 0;
! #X connect 52 1 53 0;
! #X connect 60 0 14 0;
! #X connect 60 1 15 0;
! #X connect 60 2 61 0;
! #X connect 62 0 51 0;
! #X connect 63 0 51 0;
! #X connect 66 0 51 0;
--- 71,161 ----
#X text 371 56 !!! This software is very much alpha \, so any aspect
of it could change without notice !!!;
+ #X text 650 400 REFRESH RATES;
+ #X text 660 415 ADB = 15.5 ms;
+ #X text 660 430 USB mice on Windows = 8-10 ms;
+ #X text 660 445 USB mice on GNU/Linux = 1-10 ms;
+ #X text 660 460 USB wireless mice = 12-20 ms;
+ #X text 660 475 PS/2 mouse = 5-25 ms;
+ #X text 660 490 P5 Glove = 22 ms;
+ #N canvas 0 22 454 304 JustFOrTestng 0;
+ #X msg 390 265 ev_rel rel_x 0 2.56485e+09;
+ #X obj 390 244 prepend set;
+ #X msg 148 77 start;
+ #X msg 174 96 stop;
+ #X msg 239 57 open 0;
+ #X msg 246 75 open 1;
+ #X msg 253 93 open 2;
+ #X msg 259 111 open 3;
+ #X msg 265 129 open 4;
+ #X obj 86 81 tgl 35 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -24198 -1 -1 0 25
+ ;
+ #X obj 223 266 spigot;
+ #X obj 269 266 tgl 17 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0
+ 1;
+ #X msg 336 136 close;
+ #X text 380 136 probably not needed;
+ #X msg 336 113 refresh;
+ #X text 397 111 refresh device list;
+ #X msg 398 180 poll 20;
+ #X msg 336 180 poll 2;
+ #X text 332 159 start polling and set the poll delay in ms;
+ #X msg 465 180 poll 2000;
+ #X text 371 56 !!! This software is very much alpha \, so any aspect
+ of it could change without notice !!!;
+ #X obj 248 225 hid 1;
+ #X connect 1 0 0 0;
+ #X connect 2 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 3 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 4 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 5 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 6 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 7 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 8 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 9 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 11 0 10 1;
+ #X connect 12 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 14 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 16 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 17 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 19 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 21 0 10 0;
+ #X connect 21 0 1 0;
+ #X restore 446 483 pd JustFOrTestng;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 1 4 0;
! #X connect 5 0 47 0;
! #X connect 6 0 47 0;
#X connect 8 0 19 0;
#X connect 8 1 18 0;
#X connect 8 2 17 0;
#X connect 8 3 7 0;
! #X connect 9 0 47 0;
! #X connect 10 0 47 0;
! #X connect 11 0 47 0;
! #X connect 12 0 47 0;
! #X connect 13 0 47 0;
! #X connect 16 0 47 0;
! #X connect 37 0 36 0;
! #X connect 37 0 20 0;
! #X connect 38 0 37 1;
! #X connect 39 0 48 0;
! #X connect 39 1 2 0;
! #X connect 39 2 56 0;
! #X connect 39 3 42 0;
! #X connect 40 0 41 1;
#X connect 41 0 40 0;
! #X connect 42 0 41 0;
! #X connect 43 0 47 0;
! #X connect 45 0 47 0;
! #X connect 47 0 37 0;
! #X connect 47 0 39 0;
! #X connect 47 0 1 0;
! #X connect 47 0 8 0;
! #X connect 48 1 49 0;
! #X connect 56 0 14 0;
! #X connect 56 1 15 0;
! #X connect 56 2 57 0;
! #X connect 58 0 47 0;
! #X connect 59 0 47 0;
! #X connect 62 0 47 0;
Index: hid_linux.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid_linux.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** hid_linux.c 25 Oct 2004 06:01:45 -0000 1.3
--- hid_linux.c 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.4
*** 38,44 ****
! t_int hid_output_events(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_output_events"););
/* for debugging, counts how many events are processed each time hid_read() is called */
--- 38,44 ----
! t_int hid_get_events(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_get_events"););
/* for debugging, counts how many events are processed each time hid_read() is called */
*** 218,224 ****
! t_int hid_devicelist_refresh(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_devicelist_refresh"););
/* the device list should be refreshed here */
--- 218,224 ----
! t_int hid_build_device_list(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_build_device_list"););
/* the device list should be refreshed here */
Index: hid.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** hid.c 6 Nov 2004 21:21:06 -0000 1.11
--- hid.c 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.12
*** 33,36 ****
--- 33,46 ----
#define DEBUG(x) x
+ /*
+ * Various Max Refresh Rates:
+ ADB = 15.5 ms
+ USB mice on Windows = 8-10 ms
+ USB mice on GNU/Linux = 1-10 ms
+ USB wireless mice = 12-20 ms
+ PS/2 mouse = 5-25 ms
+ P5 Globe = 22 ms
+ */
*** 46,49 ****
--- 56,97 ----
static void hid_float(t_hid* x, t_floatarg f);
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ void hid_output_event(t_hid *x,
+ char *type, char *code, t_float value, t_float timestamp)
+ {
+ t_atom event_data[4];
+ SETSYMBOL(event_data, gensym(type)); /* type */
+ SETSYMBOL(event_data + 1, gensym(code)); /* code */
+ SETFLOAT(event_data + 2, value); /* value */
+ SETFLOAT(event_data + 3, timestamp); /* timestamp */
+ outlet_anything(x->x_obj.te_outlet,atom_gensym(event_data),3,event_data+1);
+ }
+ void hid_set_from_float(t_hid *x, t_floatarg f)
+ {
+ /* values greater than 1 set the polling delay time */
+ /* 1 and 0 for start/stop so you can use a [tgl] */
+ if (f > 1)
+ {
+ x->x_delay = (t_int)f;
+ hid_start(x,f);
+ }
+ else if (f == 1)
+ {
+ if (! x->x_started)
+ hid_start(x,f);
+ }
+ else if (f == 0)
+ {
+ hid_stop(x);
+ }
+ }
*** 74,77 ****
--- 122,126 ----
post("[hid] closed device number %d",x->x_device_number);
+ x->x_device_open = 0;
return (0);
*** 81,115 ****
t_int hid_open(t_hid *x, t_float f)
! /* store running state so that it can be restored after the device has been opened */
! t_int started = x->x_started;
! hid_close(x);
! /* set obj device name to parameter
! * otherwise set to default
! */
! if (f > 0)
! x->x_device_number = f;
! else
! x->x_device_number = 0;
! if (hid_open_device(x,x->x_device_number))
! {
! error("[hid] can not open device %d",x->x_device_number);
! post("\\=========================== [hid] ===========================/\n");
! return (1);
! }
/* restore the polling state so that when I [tgl] is used to start/stop [hid],
! * the [tgl]'s state will continue to accurately reflect [hid]'s state
! */
! hid_float(x,started);
! post("\\=========================== [hid] ===========================/\n");
! return (0);
--- 130,172 ----
+ /* closed same device open */
+ /* open same device no action */
+ /* closed different device open */
+ /* open different device close open */
t_int hid_open(t_hid *x, t_float f)
! /* store running state to be restored after the device has been opened */
! t_int started = x->x_started;
! if ( (f != x->x_device_number) && (x->x_device_open) ) hid_close(x);
! /* set obj device name to parameter otherwise set to default */
! if (f > 0)
! x->x_device_number = f;
! else
! x->x_device_number = 0;
! if (! x->x_device_open)
! if (hid_open_device(x,x->x_device_number))
! {
! error("[hid] can not open device %d",x->x_device_number);
! post("\\=========================== [hid] ===========================/\n");
! return (1);
! }
! else
! {
! x->x_device_open = 1;
! }
/* restore the polling state so that when I [tgl] is used to start/stop [hid],
! * the [tgl]'s state will continue to accurately reflect [hid]'s state */
! hid_set_from_float(x,started);
! post("\\=========================== [hid] ===========================/\n");
! return (0);
*** 117,121 ****
t_int hid_read(t_hid *x,int fd)
! hid_output_events(x);
if (x->x_started)
--- 174,180 ----
t_int hid_read(t_hid *x,int fd)
! // DEBUG(post("hid_read"););
! hid_get_events(x);
if (x->x_started)
*** 148,167 ****
! /* values greater than 1 set the polling delay time */
! /* 1 and 0 for start/stop so you can use a [tgl] */
! if(f > 1)
! {
! x->x_delay = (t_int)f;
! hid_start(x,f);
! }
! else if(f == 1)
! {
! if (! x->x_started)
! hid_start(x,f);
! }
! else if(f == 0)
! {
! hid_stop(x);
! }
--- 207,211 ----
! hid_set_from_float(x,f);
*** 195,198 ****
--- 239,243 ----
/* init vars */
+ x->x_device_open = 0;
x->x_started = 0;
x->x_delay = DEFAULT_DELAY;
*** 204,208 ****
/* find and report the list of devices */
! hid_devicelist_refresh(x);
/* Open the device and save settings. If there is an error, return the object
--- 249,253 ----
/* find and report the list of devices */
! hid_build_device_list(x);
/* Open the device and save settings. If there is an error, return the object
*** 230,234 ****
/* add inlet message methods */
! class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_devicelist_refresh,gensym("refresh"),0);
class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_open,gensym("open"),A_DEFFLOAT,0);
class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_close,gensym("close"),0);
--- 275,279 ----
/* add inlet message methods */
! class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_build_device_list,gensym("refresh"),0);
class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_open,gensym("open"),A_DEFFLOAT,0);
class_addmethod(hid_class,(t_method) hid_close,gensym("close"),0);
Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** TODO 6 Nov 2004 21:15:04 -0000 1.2
--- TODO 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.3
*** 1,13 ****
! = define generic event struct (probably Pd-ized input_event )
! something like:
! struct input_event {
! struct timeval time;
! t_int type;
! t_int code;
! t_int value;
! };
The question is whether the timeval is needed at all. Linux and Darwin
--- 1,4 ----
! = define generic event timestamp struct (probably Pd-ized input_event )
The question is whether the timeval is needed at all. Linux and Darwin
*** 23,30 ****
- Misc Input/Generic Desktop X == ev_rel/rel_x
- Button Input/Button #1 == ev_key/btn_left
LED UsagePage => ev_led
LED Usages == Linux ev_led codes
--- 14,17 ----
*** 62,77 ****
- = raw values vs. calibrated
- - relative axes should probably be raw data, since its pixel data, but then
- this causes problems with sensitivity across different mice. The mouse
- sensitivity would probably best translate as resolution, ie calibrated data,
- rather than sensitivity, ie raw data.
- - absolute axes should be calibrated, so that the same positions on different
- devices map to the same value
- ==============================================================================
= pollfn for mouse-like devices
--- 49,52 ----
*** 84,88 ****
= function return values
--- 59,62 ----
Index: mouse-help.pd
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/mouse-help.pd,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** mouse-help.pd 6 Nov 2004 21:15:04 -0000 1.2
--- mouse-help.pd 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.3
*** 1,3 ****
! #N canvas 138 201 676 441 10;
#X symbolatom 233 198 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 200 36 tgl 25 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
--- 1,3 ----
! #N canvas 225 161 684 449 10;
#X symbolatom 233 198 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 200 36 tgl 25 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
*** 31,34 ****
--- 31,62 ----
#X msg 255 61 open 2;
#X obj 200 91 mouse 1;
+ #N canvas 462 248 604 514 mouse-noise 0;
+ #X obj 90 55 inlet;
+ #X obj 113 173 mouse \$1;
+ #X obj 180 294 noise~;
+ #X obj 125 293 osc~;
+ #X obj 125 266 * 4000;
+ #X obj 113 367 *~;
+ #X msg 162 103 \; pd dsp 1;
+ #X obj 103 418 dac~;
+ #X obj 91 78 t f a b;
+ #X connect 0 0 8 0;
+ #X connect 1 0 5 0;
+ #X connect 1 1 4 0;
+ #X connect 2 0 5 1;
+ #X connect 3 0 5 1;
+ #X connect 4 0 3 0;
+ #X connect 5 0 7 0;
+ #X connect 5 0 7 1;
+ #X connect 8 0 5 0;
+ #X connect 8 1 1 0;
+ #X connect 8 2 6 0;
+ #X restore 464 163 pd mouse-noise 1;
+ #X msg 505 95 open 0;
+ #X msg 510 114 open 1;
+ #X msg 515 133 open 2;
+ #X obj 464 96 tgl 25 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
+ ;
+ #X text 347 72 turn this on to make some noise with the mouse;
#X connect 1 0 20 0;
#X connect 9 0 6 0;
*** 49,50 ****
--- 77,82 ----
#X connect 20 3 0 0;
#X connect 20 4 2 0;
+ #X connect 22 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 23 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 24 0 21 0;
+ #X connect 25 0 21 0;
Index: hid.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** hid.h 6 Nov 2004 21:21:06 -0000 1.8
--- hid.h 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.9
*** 28,36 ****
t_symbol *x_devname;
t_int x_device_number;
- long x_locID;
t_clock *x_clock;
t_int x_delay;
t_int x_started;
t_int x_device_open;
} t_hid;
--- 28,36 ----
t_symbol *x_devname;
t_int x_device_number;
t_clock *x_clock;
t_int x_delay;
t_int x_started;
t_int x_device_open;
+ t_int x_instance_count;
} t_hid;
*** 49,57 ****
/* generic, cross-platform functions */
t_int hid_open_device(t_hid *x, t_int device_number);
t_int hid_close_device(t_hid *x);
! t_int hid_devicelist_refresh(t_hid* x);
! t_int hid_output_events(t_hid *x) ;
void hid_platform_specific_free(t_hid *x);
--- 49,61 ----
+ /* support functions */
+ void hid_output_event(t_hid *x,
+ char *type, char *code, t_float value, t_float timestamp);
/* generic, cross-platform functions */
t_int hid_open_device(t_hid *x, t_int device_number);
t_int hid_close_device(t_hid *x);
! t_int hid_build_device_list(t_hid* x);
! t_int hid_get_events(t_hid *x) ;
void hid_platform_specific_free(t_hid *x);
Index: hid_darwin.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/hcs/hid/hid_darwin.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** hid_darwin.c 6 Nov 2004 21:15:04 -0000 1.6
--- hid_darwin.c 7 Nov 2004 16:28:25 -0000 1.7
*** 44,55 ****
#include "HID_Utilities_External.h"
- #include "HID_Error_Handler.h"
- /*
- #include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
- #include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
- #include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
- #include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
- */
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDUsageTables.h>
--- 44,48 ----
*** 59,64 ****
#include "hid.h"
! #define DEBUG(x)
! //#define DEBUG(x) x
--- 52,57 ----
#include "hid.h"
! //#define DEBUG(x)
! #define DEBUG(x) x
*** 66,69 ****
--- 59,63 ----
*======================================================================== */
*** 74,82 ****
char *convertEventsFromDarwinToLinux(pRecElement element);
- /* IOKit HID Utilities functions from SC_HID.cpp */
- int prHIDBuildElementList(t_hid *x);
- int prHIDBuildDeviceList(void);
- int prHIDGetValue(void);
--- 68,71 ----
*** 84,118 ****
- void convertDarwinToLinuxType(IOHIDElementType type, char *returnType)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc:
- sprintf(returnType, "ev_msc");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button:
- sprintf(returnType, "ev_key");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis:
- sprintf(returnType, "ev_abs");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes:
- sprintf(returnType, "undefined");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeOutput:
- sprintf(returnType, "undefined");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeFeature:
- sprintf(returnType, "undefined");
- break;
- case kIOHIDElementTypeCollection:
- sprintf(returnType, "undefined");
- break;
- default:
- HIDReportErrorNum("Unknown element type : ", type);
- sprintf(returnType, "unknown");
- }
- }
void convertAxis(pRecElement element, char *linux_type, char *linux_code, char axis)
--- 73,76 ----
*** 129,132 ****
--- 87,91 ----
void convertDarwinElementToLinuxTypeCode(pRecElement element, char *linux_type, char *linux_code)
*** 151,154 ****
--- 110,115 ----
case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry: convertAxis(element, linux_type, linux_code, 'y'); break;
case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz: convertAxis(element, linux_type, linux_code, 'z'); break;
+ case kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel:
+ sprintf(linux_type,"ev_rel");sprintf(linux_code,"rel_wheel");break;
*** 165,205 ****
/* ============================================================================== */
- t_int hid_build_element_list(t_hid *x)
- {
- DEBUG(post("hid_build_element_list"););
- UInt32 i;
- pRecElement devElement;
- pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice;
- UInt32 numElements;
- char cstrElementName[256];
- // look for the right device using locID
- pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
- while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID != x->x_locID))
- pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
- if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return (1);
- devElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
- numElements = HIDCountDeviceElements(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
- post("[hid] found %d elements:",numElements);
- for(i=0; i<numElements; i++)
- {
- //type
- HIDGetTypeName((IOHIDElementType) devElement->type, cstrElementName);
- post(" Type: %s %d 0x%x",cstrElementName,devElement->type,devElement->type);
- convertDarwinToLinuxType((IOHIDElementType) devElement->type, cstrElementName);
- post(" Type: %s %d 0x%x",cstrElementName,devElement->type,devElement->type);
- //usage
- HIDGetUsageName (devElement->usagePage, devElement->usage, cstrElementName);
- post(" Usage/Code: %s %d 0x%x",cstrElementName,devElement->usage,devElement->usage);
- devElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (devElement, kHIDElementTypeInput);
- }
- return (0);
- }
pRecDevice hid_get_device_by_number(t_int device_number)
--- 126,129 ----
*** 228,238 ****
/* ============================================================================== */
/* Pd [hid] FUNCTIONS */
/* ============================================================================== */
! t_int hid_output_events(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_output_events"););
SInt32 value;
--- 152,195 ----
+ t_int hid_build_element_list(t_hid *x)
+ {
+ DEBUG(post("hid_build_element_list"););
+ UInt32 i;
+ pRecElement pCurrentHIDElement;
+ pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice;
+ UInt32 numElements;
+ char type[256];
+ char code[256];
+ char type_name[256];
+ char usage_name[256];
+ pCurrentHIDDevice = hid_get_device_by_number(x->x_device_number);
+ if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return (1);
+ pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
+ numElements = HIDCountDeviceElements(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
+ DEBUG(post("[hid] found %d elements:",numElements););
+ for(i=0; i<numElements; i++)
+ {
+ convertDarwinElementToLinuxTypeCode(pCurrentHIDElement,type,code);
+ HIDGetTypeName((IOHIDElementType) pCurrentHIDElement->type, type_name);
+ HIDGetUsageName(pCurrentHIDElement->usagePage, pCurrentHIDElement->usage, usage_name);
+ post("\tType: %s \t code: %s \t event name: \t %s, %s",type,code,type_name,usage_name);
+ pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDElement, kHIDElementTypeInput);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
/* ============================================================================== */
/* Pd [hid] FUNCTIONS */
/* ============================================================================== */
! t_int hid_get_events(t_hid *x)
! //DEBUG(post("hid_get_events"););
SInt32 value;
*** 248,259 ****
Boolean result;
! // look for the right device:
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
! while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=x->x_locID))
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
! if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return (1);
- // result = HIDGetEvent(pCurrentHIDDevice, (void*) &event);
- // if(result)
while( (HIDGetEvent(pCurrentHIDDevice, (void*) &event)) && (event_counter < 64) )
--- 205,216 ----
Boolean result;
! pCurrentHIDDevice = hid_get_device_by_number(x->x_device_number);
! if(!pCurrentHIDDevice)
! {
! post("[hid] can't find current device %d. Was it unplugged?",x->x_device_number);
! return (1);
! }
while( (HIDGetEvent(pCurrentHIDDevice, (void*) &event)) && (event_counter < 64) )
*** 268,274 ****
- // convertDarwinToLinuxType((IOHIDElementType) pCurrentHIDElement->type, event_output_string);
- HIDGetUsageName(pCurrentHIDElement->usagePage, pCurrentHIDElement->usage, event_output_string);
pCurrentHIDDevice->vendorID, pCurrentHIDDevice->productID,
--- 225,228 ----
*** 278,291 ****
DEBUG(post("type: %s code: %s event name: %s",type,code,event_output_string););
- SETSYMBOL(event_data, gensym(type));
- /* code */
- SETSYMBOL(event_data + 1, gensym(code));
- /* value */
- SETFLOAT(event_data + 2, (t_float)value);
- /* time */
- // TODO: convert this to a common time format, i.e. Linux struct timeval
- SETFLOAT(event_data + 3, (t_float)(event.timestamp).lo);
! outlet_anything(x->x_obj.te_outlet,atom_gensym(event_data),3,event_data+1);
--- 232,238 ----
DEBUG(post("type: %s code: %s event name: %s",type,code,event_output_string););
! // TODO: convert this to a common time format, i.e. Linux struct timeval
! hid_output_event(x,type,code,(t_float)value,(t_float)(event.timestamp).lo);
*** 345,350 ****
currentDevice = hid_get_device_by_number(device_number);
- x->x_locID = currentDevice->locID;
post("[hid] opened device %d: %s %s",
device_number, currentDevice->manufacturer, currentDevice->product);
--- 292,295 ----
*** 353,357 ****
! // TODO: queue all elements except absolute axes
return (0);
--- 298,302 ----
! // TODO: queue all elements except absolute axes, those can just be polled
return (0);
*** 367,452 ****
- t_int hid_devicelist_refresh(t_hid *x)
- {
- DEBUG(post("hid_devicelist_refresh"););
- /* the device list should be refreshed here */
- if ( (prHIDBuildDeviceList()) && (prHIDBuildElementList(x)) )
- return (0);
- else
- return (1);
- }
- void hid_platform_specific_free(t_hid *x)
- {
- HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues();
- HIDReleaseDeviceList();
- }
! /*==============================================================================
! *==============================================================================
! */
! int prHIDBuildElementList(t_hid *x)
! {
! DEBUG(post("prHIDBuildElementList"););
! int locID = NULL;
! UInt32 i;
! pRecElement devElement;
! pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice;
! UInt32 numElements;
! char cstrElementName [256];
! // Apple Trackpad locID for testing
! locID = 50397184;
! // look for the right device using locID
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
! while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID != x->x_locID))
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
! if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return (1);
! devElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
! numElements = HIDCountDeviceElements(pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeInput);
! post("[hid] found %d elements",numElements);
! for(i=0; i<numElements; i++)
! {
! //type
! HIDGetTypeName((IOHIDElementType) devElement->type, cstrElementName);
! post("Type: %s %d 0x%x",cstrElementName,devElement->type,devElement->type);
! //usage
! HIDGetUsageName (devElement->usagePage, devElement->usage, cstrElementName);
! post("Usage: %s %d 0x%x",cstrElementName,devElement->usage,devElement->usage);
! //devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrElementName, 0, true);
! //SetObject(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, devstring);
! //g->gc->GCWrite(devElementArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
! devElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (devElement, kHIDElementTypeInput);
! }
! return (0);
! }
! int prHIDBuildDeviceList(void)
! DEBUG(post("prHIDBuildDeviceList"););
int i,err;
UInt32 usagePage, usage;
- pRecElement devElement;
pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice;
- //pass in usage & usagepage
- //kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad
- //usagePage = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop;
- //usage = NULL;
Boolean result = HIDBuildDeviceList (NULL, NULL);
// returns false if no device found
if(result) error("[hid]: no HID devices found\n");
--- 312,326 ----
! t_int hid_build_device_list(t_hid *x)
! DEBUG(post("hid_build_device_list"););
int i,err;
UInt32 usagePage, usage;
pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice;
Boolean result = HIDBuildDeviceList (NULL, NULL);
// returns false if no device found
if(result) error("[hid]: no HID devices found\n");
*** 455,524 ****
if(!numdevs) return (0);
- post("number of devices: %d", numdevs);
char cstrDeviceName [256];
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice();
! for(i=numdevs - 1; i >= 0; --i)
! post("Device %d: '%s' '%s' version %d",i,
! pCurrentHIDDevice->manufacturer,pCurrentHIDDevice->product,pCurrentHIDDevice->version);
! HIDGetUsageName (pCurrentHIDDevice->usagePage, pCurrentHIDDevice->usage, cstrDeviceName);
post(" vendorID: %d productID: %d locID: %d",
! pCurrentHIDDevice->vendorID,pCurrentHIDDevice->productID,pCurrentHIDDevice->locID);
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
! }
! UInt32 outnum = HIDCountDeviceElements (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeOutput);
! post("number of outputs: %d \n", outnum);
! return (0);
! int prHIDGetValue(void)
! DEBUG(post("hid_output_events"););
! int locID = NULL;
! int cookieNum = NULL;
! SInt32 value;
! /*
! PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; //class
! PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //locID device
! PyrSlot *c = g->sp; //element cookie
! int locID, cookieNum;
! int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
! if (err) return err;
! err = slotIntVal(c, &cookieNum);
! if (err) return err;
! */
! IOHIDElementCookie cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) cookieNum;
! // look for the right device:
! pRecDevice pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
! while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
! pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
! if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return (1);
! // look for the right element:
! pRecElement pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO);
! // use gElementCookie to find current element
! while (pCurrentHIDElement && (pCurrentHIDElement->cookie != cookie))
! pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDElement, kHIDElementTypeIO);
! if (pCurrentHIDElement)
! {
! value = HIDGetElementValue (pCurrentHIDDevice, pCurrentHIDElement);
! // if it's not a button and it's not a hatswitch then calibrate
! if(( pCurrentHIDElement->type != kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button ) &&
! ( pCurrentHIDElement->usagePage == 0x01 && pCurrentHIDElement->usage != kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch))
! value = HIDCalibrateValue ( value, pCurrentHIDElement );
! //SetInt(a, value);
! }
! //else SetNil(a);
! return (0);
--- 329,359 ----
if(!numdevs) return (0);
char cstrDeviceName [256];
! /* display device list in console */
! for(i=0; i < numdevs; i++)
! pCurrentHIDDevice = hid_get_device_by_number(i);
! post("Device %d: '%s' '%s' version %d",i,pCurrentHIDDevice->manufacturer,
! pCurrentHIDDevice->product,pCurrentHIDDevice->version);
! HIDGetUsageName (pCurrentHIDDevice->usagePage,
! pCurrentHIDDevice->usage,
! cstrDeviceName);
post(" vendorID: %d productID: %d locID: %d",
! pCurrentHIDDevice->vendorID,
! pCurrentHIDDevice->productID,
! pCurrentHIDDevice->locID);
! // TODO: display all of the element types/codes for each device
! }
! return (0);
! void hid_platform_specific_free(t_hid *x)
! HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues();
! HIDReleaseDeviceList();