Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32607/src
Modified Files:
Tag: devel_0_38
configure.in d_array.c g_editor.c g_graph.c g_hdial.c m_pd.h
m_sched.c m_simd_sse_gcc.c makefile.in notes.txt
s_audio_alsa.c s_audio_alsamm.c s_file.c s_inter.c s_main.c
s_path.c u_main.tk x_connective.c
Log Message:
merging miller's changes between test7 and test10
Index: m_pd.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_pd.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4.4.2 -r1.4.4.3
*** m_pd.h 10 Nov 2004 13:52:36 -0000
--- m_pd.h 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 248,251 ****
--- 248,252 ----
/* T.Grill - functions for aligned memory (according to CPU SIMD architecture) */
EXTERN void *getalignedbytes(size_t nbytes);
+ EXTERN void *copyalignedbytes(void *src, size_t nbytes);
EXTERN void freealignedbytes(void *x,size_t nbytes);
EXTERN void *resizealignedbytes(void *x,size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
*** 468,471 ****
--- 469,473 ----
EXTERN int sched_geteventno(void);
EXTERN double sys_getrealtime(void);
+ EXTERN int (*sys_idlehook)(void); /* hook to add idle time computation */
*** 522,525 ****
--- 524,529 ----
EXTERN t_int *sig_tilde_perform(t_int *args);
+ EXTERN t_int *clip_perform(t_int *args);
/* for (n % 8) == 0 */
EXTERN t_int *zero_perf8(t_int *args);
*** 565,568 ****
--- 569,575 ----
EXTERN t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *args);
+ EXTERN t_int *clip_perf_simd(t_int *args);
/* } tb */
Index: s_main.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_main.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.7.4.2 -r1.7.4.3
*** s_main.c 10 Nov 2004 13:47:09 -0000
--- s_main.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 8,12 ****
! char pd_version[] = "Pd version 0.38 TEST7 devel\n";
char pd_compiletime[] = __TIME__;
char pd_compiledate[] = __DATE__;
--- 8,12 ----
! char pd_version[] = "Pd version 0.38 TEST10 devel\n";
char pd_compiletime[] = __TIME__;
char pd_compiledate[] = __DATE__;
*** 75,79 ****
int sys_midioutdevlist[MAXMIDIOUTDEV] = {1};
- char sys_font[] = "courier"; /* tb: font name */
static int sys_main_srate;
static int sys_main_dacblocksize = DEFDACBLKSIZE;
--- 75,78 ----
*** 407,411 ****
"-lib <file> -- load object library(s)\n",
"-font <n> -- specify default font size in points\n",
- "-typeface <name> -- specify default font (default: courier)\n",
"-verbose -- extra printout on startup and when searching for files\n",
"-version -- don't run Pd; just print out which version it is \n",
--- 406,409 ----
*** 776,787 ****
argv += 2;
- /* tb: font name { */
- else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-typeface") && argc > 1)
- {
- strcpy(sys_font,*(argv+1));
- argc -= 2;
- argv += 2;
- }
- /* } tb */
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-verbose"))
--- 774,777 ----
*** 819,822 ****
--- 809,813 ----
sys_printtostderr = 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "set it\n");
argc--; argv++;
Index: u_main.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4.4.3 -r1.4.4.4
*** u_main.tk 10 Nov 2004 13:47:09 -0000
--- u_main.tk 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 180,183 ****
--- 180,184 ----
################ utility functions #########################
+ # enquote a string to send it to a tcl function
proc pdtk_enquote {x} {
set foo [string map {"," "" ";" "" \" ""} $x]
*** 186,189 ****
--- 187,200 ----
+ #enquote a string to send it to Pd. Blow off semi and comma; alias spaces
+ proc pdtk_unspace {x} {
+ string map {" " "_" ";" "" "," ""} $x
+ }
+ #enquote a string for preferences (command strings etc.)
+ proc pdtk_encodedialog {x} {
+ concat +[string map {" " "+_" "$" "+d" ";" "+s" "," "+c" "+" "++"} $x]
+ }
proc pdtk_debug {x} {
tk_messageBox -message $x -type ok
*** 305,312 ****
global pd_guidir
global pd_myversion
- global pd_font3
set name [format ".help%d" $doc_number]
toplevel $name
! text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font $pd_font3 \
-yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -background white
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
--- 316,322 ----
global pd_guidir
global pd_myversion
set name [format ".help%d" $doc_number]
toplevel $name
! text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font -*-courier-bold--normal--12-* \
-yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -background white
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
*** 964,971 ****
bind $name.c <Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 1}
bind $name.c <Control-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 3}
bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4}
bind $name.c <Alt-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5}
bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
global pd_nt
# button 2 is the right button on Mac; on other platforms it's button 3.
--- 974,991 ----
bind $name.c <Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 1}
bind $name.c <Control-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 3}
+ # Alt key is called Option on the Mac
+ if {$pd_nt == 2} {
+ bind $name.c <Option-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4}
+ bind $name.c <Option-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5}
+ bind $name.c <Option-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6}
+ bind $name.c <Option-Control-Shift-Button> \
+ {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
+ } else {
bind $name.c <Alt-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 4}
bind $name.c <Alt-Shift-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 5}
bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Button> {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 6}
! bind $name.c <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> \
! {pdtk_canvas_click %W %x %y %b 7}
! }
global pd_nt
# button 2 is the right button on Mac; on other platforms it's button 3.
*** 988,992 ****
--- 1008,1016 ----
bind $name.c <Control-Key> {pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 0}
bind $name.c <Control-Shift-Key> {pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 1}
+ if {$pd_nt == 2} {
+ bind $name.c <Option-Key> {pdtk_canvas_altkey %W %K %A}
+ } else {
bind $name.c <Alt-Key> {pdtk_canvas_altkey %W %K %A}
+ }
# bind $name.c <Mod1-Key> {puts stderr [concat mod1 %W %K %A]}
if {$pd_nt == 2} {
*** 998,1002 ****
--- 1022,1030 ----
bind $name.c <KeyRelease> {pdtk_canvas_keyup %W %K %A}
bind $name.c <Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 0}
+ if {$pd_nt == 2} {
+ bind $name.c <Option-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
+ } else {
bind $name.c <Alt-Motion> {pdtk_canvas_motion %W %x %y 4}
+ }
bind $name.c <Map> {pdtk_canvas_map %W}
bind $name.c <Unmap> {pdtk_canvas_unmap %W}
*** 1343,1347 ****
! concat $ret
--- 1371,1375 ----
! pdtk_unspace $ret
*** 1359,1363 ****
! concat $ret
--- 1387,1391 ----
! pdtk_unspace $ret
*** 1675,1681 ****
pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.x2
pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.xpix
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.y1
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.y2
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.ypix
$id.xrangef.x2 select from 0
$id.xrangef.x2 select adjust end
--- 1703,1709 ----
pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.x2
pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.xrangef.xpix
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.yrangef.y1
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.yrangef.y2
! pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.yrangef.ypix
$id.xrangef.x2 select from 0
$id.xrangef.x2 select adjust end
*** 2026,2032 ****
set hhhgui_nam [string replace $hhhgui_nam 0 0 #] }
! set hhhsnd [string map {" " _} $hhhsnd]
! set hhhrcv [string map {" " _} $hhhrcv]
! set hhhgui_nam [string map {" " _} $hhhgui_nam]
pd [concat $id dialog \
--- 2054,2060 ----
set hhhgui_nam [string replace $hhhgui_nam 0 0 #] }
! set hhhsnd [pdtk_unspace $hhhsnd]
! set hhhrcv [pdtk_unspace $hhhrcv]
! set hhhgui_nam [pdtk_unspace $hhhgui_nam]
pd [concat $id dialog \
*** 2659,2663 ****
proc pdtk_data_dialog {name stuff} {
! global pd_font3
toplevel $name
wm title $name {Atom}
--- 2687,2691 ----
proc pdtk_data_dialog {name stuff} {
toplevel $name
wm title $name {Atom}
*** 2674,2678 ****
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 40 -width 60 \
! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font pd_font3
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y
--- 2702,2706 ----
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 40 -width 60 \
! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font -*-courier-bold--normal--12-*
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y
*** 2699,2716 ****
# if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold----%d-* $font]}
# if {$font >= 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]}
- global pd_font1 pd_font2 pd_font3 pd_font4 pd_font5 pd_font6 pd_font7
- switch -- $font {
- 8 { set typeface $pd_font1 }
- 10 { set typeface $pd_font2 }
- 12 { set typeface $pd_font3 }
- 14 { set typeface $pd_font4 }
- 16 { set typeface $pd_font5 }
- 24 { set typeface $pd_font6 }
- 36 { set typeface $pd_font7 }
- }
$canvasname create text $x $y \
! -font $typeface \
-tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw
# pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] \;]
--- 2727,2732 ----
# if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold----%d-* $font]}
# if {$font >= 13} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]}
$canvasname create text $x $y \
! -font [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font] \
-tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw
# pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] \;]
*** 2743,2776 ****
# font sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 24.
! # tb: user defined typefaces
! proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist fontname} {
! puts stderr [concat $version $apilist $fontname]
global pd_myversion pd_apilist
set pd_myversion $version
set pd_apilist $apilist
- global pd_font1 pd_font2 pd_font3 pd_font4 pd_font5 pd_font6 pd_font7
! set pd_font1 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--8-* $fontname]
! set pd_font2 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--10-* $fontname]
! set pd_font3 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--12-* $fontname]
! set pd_font4 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--14-* $fontname]
! set pd_font5 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--16-* $fontname]
! set pd_font6 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--24-* $fontname]
! set pd_font7 [format -*-%s-bold--normal--36-* $fontname]
! set width1 [font measure $pd_font1 x]
! set height1 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font1] 5]
! set width2 [font measure $pd_font2 x]
! set height2 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font2] 5]
! set width3 [font measure $pd_font3 x]
! set height3 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font3] 5]
! set width4 [font measure $pd_font4 x]
! set height4 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font4] 5]
! set width5 [font measure $pd_font5 x]
! set height5 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font5] 5]
! set width6 [font measure $pd_font6 x]
! set height6 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font6] 5]
! set width7 [font measure $pd_font7 x]
! set height7 [lindex [font metrics $pd_font7] 5]
set tclpatch [info patchlevel]
--- 2759,2787 ----
# font sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 24.
! proc pdtk_pd_startup {version apilist} {
global pd_myversion pd_apilist
set pd_myversion $version
set pd_apilist $apilist
! set width1 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--8-* x]
! set height1 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--8-*] 5]
! set width2 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* x]
! set height2 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--10-*] 5]
! set width3 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--12-* x]
! set height3 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--12-*] 5]
! set width4 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--14-* x]
! set height4 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--14-*] 5]
! set width5 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--16-* x]
! set height5 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--16-*] 5]
! set width6 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--24-* x]
! set height6 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--24-*] 5]
! set width7 [font measure -*-courier-bold--normal--36-* x]
! set height7 [lindex [font metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--36-*] 5]
set tclpatch [info patchlevel]
*** 2856,2860 ****
proc pdtk_pd_texteditor {stuff} {
! global edit_number pd_font3
set name [format ".text%d" $edit_number]
set edit_number [expr $edit_number + 1]
--- 2867,2871 ----
proc pdtk_pd_texteditor {stuff} {
! global edit_number
set name [format ".text%d" $edit_number]
set edit_number [expr $edit_number + 1]
*** 2873,2877 ****
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 12 -width 60 \
! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font $pd_font3
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y
--- 2884,2888 ----
text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 -height 12 -width 60 \
! -yscrollcommand "$name.scroll set" -font -*-courier-bold--normal--12-*
scrollbar $name.scroll -command "$name.text yview"
pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y
*** 3445,3453 ****
pd [concat pd path-dialog $pd_extrapath $pd_verbose \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_path0] [pdtk_enquote $pd_path1] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_path2] [pdtk_enquote $pd_path3] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_path4] [pdtk_enquote $pd_path5] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_path6] [pdtk_enquote $pd_path7] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_path8] [pdtk_enquote $pd_path9] \;]
--- 3456,3464 ----
pd [concat pd path-dialog $pd_extrapath $pd_verbose \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path0] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path1] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path2] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path3] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path4] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path5] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path6] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path7] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path8] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_path9] \;]
*** 3517,3526 ****
global pd_startup5 pd_startup6 pd_startup7 pd_startup8 pd_startup9
! pd [concat pd startup-dialog $pd_nort [pdtk_enquote $pd_flags] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup0] [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup1] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup2] [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup3] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup4] [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup5] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup6] [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup7] \
! [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup8] [pdtk_enquote $pd_startup9] \;]
--- 3528,3537 ----
global pd_startup5 pd_startup6 pd_startup7 pd_startup8 pd_startup9
! pd [concat pd startup-dialog $pd_nort [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_flags] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup0] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup1] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup2] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup3] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup4] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup5] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup6] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup7] \
! [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup8] [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_startup9] \;]
Index: s_path.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_path.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3.4.2 -r1.3.4.3
*** s_path.c 7 Nov 2004 11:14:15 -0000
--- s_path.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 490,493 ****
--- 490,527 ----
+ /* undo pdtl_encodedialog. This allows dialogs to send spaces, commas,
+ dollars, and semis down here. */
+ t_symbol *sys_decodedialog(t_symbol *s)
+ {
+ char buf[MAXPDSTRING], *sp = s->s_name;
+ int i;
+ if (*sp != '+')
+ bug("sys_decodedialog: %s", sp);
+ else sp++;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXPDSTRING-1; i++)
+ {
+ if (!sp[0])
+ break;
+ if (sp[0] == '+')
+ {
+ if (sp[1] == '_')
+ buf[i] = ' ', sp++;
+ else if (sp[1] == '+')
+ buf[i] = '+', sp++;
+ else if (sp[1] == 'c')
+ buf[i] = ',', sp++;
+ else if (sp[1] == 's')
+ buf[i] = ';', sp++;
+ else if (sp[1] == 'd')
+ buf[i] = '$', sp++;
+ else buf[i] = sp[0];
+ sp++;
+ }
+ }
+ buf[i] = 0;
+ return (gensym(buf));
+ }
/* start a search path dialog window */
void glob_start_path_dialog(t_pd *dummy)
*** 514,520 ****
sys_usestdpath = atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
sys_verbose = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv);
! for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
! t_symbol *s = atom_getsymbolarg(i+2, argc, argv);
if (*s->s_name)
sys_searchpath = namelist_append_files(sys_searchpath, s->s_name);
--- 548,554 ----
sys_usestdpath = atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
sys_verbose = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv);
! for (i = 0; i < argc-2; i++)
! t_symbol *s = sys_decodedialog(atom_getsymbolarg(i+2, argc, argv));
if (*s->s_name)
sys_searchpath = namelist_append_files(sys_searchpath, s->s_name);
*** 546,553 ****
sys_externlist = 0;
sys_defeatrt = atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
! sys_flags = atom_getsymbolarg(1, argc, argv);
! for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
! t_symbol *s = atom_getsymbolarg(i+2, argc, argv);
if (*s->s_name)
sys_externlist = namelist_append_files(sys_externlist, s->s_name);
--- 580,587 ----
sys_externlist = 0;
sys_defeatrt = atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
! sys_flags = sys_decodedialog(atom_getsymbolarg(1, argc, argv));
! for (i = 0; i < argc-2; i++)
! t_symbol *s = sys_decodedialog(atom_getsymbolarg(i+2, argc, argv));
if (*s->s_name)
sys_externlist = namelist_append_files(sys_externlist, s->s_name);
Index: configure.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/configure.in,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.5.4.2 -r1.5.4.3
*** configure.in 8 Nov 2004 17:57:50 -0000
--- configure.in 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 133,140 ****
dnl Ckecking for ALSA
dnl This should be fixed so Pd can use ALSA shared libraries where appropriate.
if test x$alsa == xyes; then
- echo yes ... alsa is... $alsa
AC_CHECK_LIB(asound,snd_pcm_info,PDLIB="$PDLIB -lasound" ; alsa="yes",alsa="no")
--- 133,139 ----
dnl Ckecking for ALSA
! echo .................... alsa= $alsa
dnl This should be fixed so Pd can use ALSA shared libraries where appropriate.
if test x$alsa == xyes; then
AC_CHECK_LIB(asound,snd_pcm_info,PDLIB="$PDLIB -lasound" ; alsa="yes",alsa="no")
Index: makefile.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.4.4.1
*** makefile.in 6 Sep 2004 20:20:35 -0000 1.4
--- makefile.in 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 44,48 ****
x_arithmetic.c x_connective.c x_interface.c x_midi.c x_misc.c \
x_time.c x_acoustics.c x_net.c x_qlist.c x_gui.c d_soundfile.c \
--- 44,48 ----
x_arithmetic.c x_connective.c x_interface.c x_midi.c x_misc.c \
x_time.c x_acoustics.c x_net.c x_qlist.c x_gui.c d_soundfile.c \
! $(SYSSRC) m_simd.c m_simd_sse_gcc.c m_simd_sse_vc.c m_simd_ve_gcc.c
*** 95,100 ****
$(BIN_DIR)/pd.tk: u_main.tk
! echo set pd_nt @OSNUMBER@ > $(BIN_DIR)/pd.tk
! grep -v "set pd_nt" < u_main.tk >> $(BIN_DIR)/pd.tk
#this is for Max OSX only...
--- 95,99 ----
$(BIN_DIR)/pd.tk: u_main.tk
! install u_main.tk $(BIN_DIR)/pd.tk
#this is for Max OSX only...
Index: m_simd_sse_gcc.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/m_simd_sse_gcc.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.4.3 -r1.1.4.4
*** m_simd_sse_gcc.c 10 Nov 2004 21:53:02 -0000
--- m_simd_sse_gcc.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 712,716 ****
"minps %3, %%xmm4 \n"
"movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n"
"movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm5 \n"
"maxps %2, %%xmm5 \n"
--- 712,716 ----
"minps %3, %%xmm4 \n"
"movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n"
"movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm5 \n"
"maxps %2, %%xmm5 \n"
Index: g_hdial.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_hdial.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.4.4.1
*** g_hdial.c 6 Sep 2004 20:20:33 -0000 1.4
--- g_hdial.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 240,245 ****
iemgui_save(&x->x_gui, srl, bflcol);
binbuf_addv(b, "ssiisiiiisssiiiiiiii", gensym("#X"),gensym("obj"),
! (int)text_xpix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist),
! (int)text_ypix(&x->x_gui.x_obj, x->x_gui.x_glist),
(pd_class(&x->x_gui.x_obj.ob_pd) == hradio_old_class ?
gensym("hdl") : gensym("hradio")),
--- 240,244 ----
iemgui_save(&x->x_gui, srl, bflcol);
binbuf_addv(b, "ssiisiiiisssiiiiiiii", gensym("#X"),gensym("obj"),
! (int)x->x_gui.x_obj.te_xpix, (int)x->x_gui.x_obj.te_ypix,
(pd_class(&x->x_gui.x_obj.ob_pd) == hradio_old_class ?
gensym("hdl") : gensym("hradio")),
Index: g_graph.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_graph.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3.4.1 -r1.3.4.2
*** g_graph.c 5 Nov 2004 14:27:45 -0000
--- g_graph.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 114,120 ****
t_gobj *y, *y2;
! int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
while (y = x->gl_list)
glist_delete(x, y);
--- 114,132 ----
t_gobj *y, *y2;
! int dspstate = 0, suspended = 0;
! t_symbol *dspsym = gensym("dsp");
while (y = x->gl_list)
+ {
+ /* to avoid unnecessary DSP resorting, we suspend DSP
+ only if we hit a patchable object. */
+ if (!suspended && pd_checkobject(&y->g_pd) && zgetfn(&y->g_pd, dspsym))
+ {
+ dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
+ suspended = 1;
+ }
+ /* here's the real deletion. */
glist_delete(x, y);
+ }
+ if (suspended)
*** 620,624 ****
t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2);
! if (x->gl_owner)
graph_vis(&x->gl_gobj, x->gl_owner, 0);
--- 632,636 ----
t.tr_lx1, t.tr_ly1, t.tr_lx2, t.tr_ly2);
! if (x->gl_owner && glist_isvisible(x->gl_owner))
graph_vis(&x->gl_gobj, x->gl_owner, 0);
Index: notes.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/notes.txt,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.6.4.1 -r1.6.4.2
*** notes.txt 5 Nov 2004 14:27:46 -0000
--- notes.txt 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 30,33 ****
--- 30,37 ----
uploaded to CVS
bug fix: click on minaturized subpatch fails to "vis" it
+ bug fix: CK on Oct. 4 (crash changing font size)
+ sched_idle hook
+ fixed startup flags, path, etc. so that spaces, "," chars, etc., are allowed
+ configure script fixed to handle enable- and disable- correctly
*** 37,42 ****
- startup flags need to handle spaces, duh.
- test MIDI I/O on all platforms, inc. sysex...
'[' in numbox label breaks it (Yury Sept. 3)
soundfiles with 3-byte samples buzz for the first readsf buffer (bug/x.pd)
--- 41,44 ----
*** 59,69 ****
data copy/paste doesn't check templates aren't changed
figure out why Pd sometimes crashes when you close example after adding fields
next release:
pixel font sizes
pd to find running ones (pd -new to defeat)
"enter" into object box to create new one (also, changing borders? forking?)
tab to jump to a connected object (first one?) (shift-tab to back up?)
- portaudio v19?
if there's just one array, don't do stringent hit check.
--- 61,73 ----
data copy/paste doesn't check templates aren't changed
figure out why Pd sometimes crashes when you close example after adding fields
+ check if _vsnprintf with zero argument in windows works any better...
next release:
+ update portmusic to latest
+ IEM guis to use queued updates
pixel font sizes
pd to find running ones (pd -new to defeat)
"enter" into object box to create new one (also, changing borders? forking?)
tab to jump to a connected object (first one?) (shift-tab to back up?)
if there's just one array, don't do stringent hit check.
Index: s_inter.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_inter.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.5.4.2 -r1.5.4.3
*** s_inter.c 8 Nov 2004 17:54:42 -0000
--- s_inter.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 88,92 ****
extern char pd_version[];
extern int sys_guisetportnumber;
- extern char sys_font[]; /* tb: typeface */
static int sys_nfdpoll;
--- 88,91 ----
*** 1214,1219 ****
! sys_vgui("pdtk_pd_startup {%s} %s {%s}\n", pd_version, buf,
! sys_font);
return (0);
--- 1213,1217 ----
! sys_vgui("pdtk_pd_startup {%s} %s\n", pd_version, buf);
return (0);
Index: m_sched.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_sched.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.5.4.2 -r1.5.4.3
*** m_sched.c 10 Nov 2004 13:47:08 -0000
--- m_sched.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 382,385 ****
--- 382,390 ----
void sys_initmidiqueue( void);
+ /* sys_idlehook is a hook the user can fill in to grab idle time. Return
+ nonzero if you actually used the time; otherwise we're really really idle and
+ will now sleep. */
+ int (*sys_idlehook)(void);
int m_scheduler( void)
*** 475,488 ****
! /* T.Grill - enter idle phase -> unlock thread lock */
! sys_unlock();
! if (timeforward != SENDDACS_SLEPT)
! sys_microsleep(sys_sleepgrain);
! /* T.Grill - leave idle phase -> lock thread lock */
! sys_lock();
--- 480,499 ----
! /* T.Grill - enter idle phase -> unlock thread lock */
! sys_unlock();
! /* call externally installed idle function if any. */
! if (!sys_idlehook || !sys_idlehook())
! {
! /* if even that had nothing to do, sleep. */
! if (timeforward != SENDDACS_SLEPT)
! {
! sys_microsleep(sys_sleepgrain);
! }
! }
! /* T.Grill - leave idle phase -> lock thread lock */
! sys_lock();
Index: s_audio_alsa.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_audio_alsa.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.5.4.2 -r1.5.4.3
*** s_audio_alsa.c 10 Nov 2004 13:47:09 -0000
--- s_audio_alsa.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 31,34 ****
--- 31,39 ----
#define DEBUG2(x) {x;}
+ /* needed for alsa 0.9 compatibility: */
+ #if (SND_LIB_MAJOR < 1)
+ #define ALSAAPI9
+ #endif
static void alsa_checkiosync( void);
static void alsa_numbertoname(int iodev, char *devname, int nchar);
*** 146,164 ****
--- 151,185 ----
/* LATER try this to get a recommended period size...
right now, it trips an assertion failure in ALSA lib */
+ #ifdef ALSAAPI9
+ err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(dev->a_handle,
+ hw_params, (snd_pcm_uframes_t)frag_size, 0);
+ #else
tmp_snd_pcm_uframes = frag_size;
err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(dev->a_handle,
hw_params, &tmp_snd_pcm_uframes, 0);
+ #endif
check_error(err, "snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near (input)");
/* set the number of periods - ie numfrags */
+ #ifdef ALSAAPI9
+ err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(dev->a_handle,
+ hw_params, nfrags, 0);
+ #else
tmp_uint = nfrags;
err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near(dev->a_handle,
hw_params, &tmp_uint, 0);
+ #endif
check_error(err, "snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near (input)");
/* set the buffer size */
+ #ifdef ALSAAPI9
+ err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(dev->a_handle,
+ hw_params, nfrags * frag_size);
+ #else
tmp_snd_pcm_uframes = nfrags * frag_size;
err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(dev->a_handle,
hw_params, &tmp_snd_pcm_uframes);
+ #endif
check_error(err, "snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near (input)");
Index: s_audio_alsamm.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_audio_alsamm.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.4.2 -r1.1.4.3
*** s_audio_alsamm.c 10 Nov 2004 13:47:09 -0000
--- s_audio_alsamm.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 32,35 ****
--- 32,39 ----
#include "s_audio_alsa.h"
+ /* needed for alsa 0.9 compatibility: */
+ #if (SND_LIB_MAJOR < 1)
+ #define ALSAAPI9
+ #endif
/* sample type magic ...
Hammerfall/HDSP/DSPMADI cards always 32Bit where lower 8Bit not used (played) in AD/DA,
*** 421,424 ****
--- 425,429 ----
static int set_hwparams(snd_pcm_t *handle, snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params,int *chs)
+ #ifndef ALSAAPI9
unsigned int rrate;
int err, dir;
*** 651,654 ****
--- 656,660 ----
return err;
+ #endif /* ALSAAPI9 */
return 0;
*** 656,659 ****
--- 662,666 ----
static int set_swparams(snd_pcm_t *handle, snd_pcm_sw_params_t *swparams, int playback)
+ #ifndef ALSAAPI9
int err;
snd_pcm_uframes_t ps,ops;
*** 766,770 ****
--- 773,780 ----
post("set sw finished");
+ #else
+ post("alsa: need version 1.0 or above for mmap operation");
+ #endif /* ALSAAPI9 */
return 0;
Index: g_editor.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/g_editor.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4.4.1 -r1.4.4.2
*** g_editor.c 5 Nov 2004 14:27:45 -0000
--- g_editor.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 1377,1382 ****
x, 1);
! else if (x->gl_editor->e_onmotion == MA_PASSOUT)
! x->gl_editor->e_onmotion = 0;
x->gl_editor->e_onmotion = MA_NONE;
--- 1377,1383 ----
x, 1);
! if (x->gl_editor->e_onmotion != MA_NONE)
! sys_vgui("pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x%lx.c\n", x);
x->gl_editor->e_onmotion = MA_NONE;
*** 1851,1855 ****
memcpy(canvas_textcopybuf, buf, bufsize);
canvas_textcopybufsize = bufsize;
- post("buf size %d", bufsize);
#else /* UNIX */
/* otherwise just copy the text to the clipboard here */
--- 1852,1855 ----
*** 1884,1888 ****
int dspstate;
- post("doclear");
dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
if (x->gl_editor->e_selectedline)
--- 1884,1887 ----
*** 2100,2104 ****
(src? class_getname(pd_class(&src->g_pd)) : "???"),
(sink? class_getname(pd_class(&sink->g_pd)) : "???"));
- abort();
--- 2099,2102 ----
Index: x_connective.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/x_connective.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.3.4.1
*** x_connective.c 6 Sep 2004 20:20:36 -0000 1.3
--- x_connective.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:43 -0000
*** 1065,1074 ****
} t_spigot;
! static void *spigot_new(void)
t_spigot *x = (t_spigot *)pd_new(spigot_class);
floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_state);
outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0);
! x->x_state = 0;
return (x);
--- 1065,1074 ----
} t_spigot;
! static void *spigot_new(t_floatarg f)
t_spigot *x = (t_spigot *)pd_new(spigot_class);
floatinlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_state);
outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0);
! x->x_state = f;
return (x);
*** 1107,1111 ****
spigot_class = class_new(gensym("spigot"), (t_newmethod)spigot_new, 0,
! sizeof(t_spigot), 0, A_DEFSYM, 0);
class_addbang(spigot_class, spigot_bang);
class_addpointer(spigot_class, spigot_pointer);
--- 1107,1111 ----
spigot_class = class_new(gensym("spigot"), (t_newmethod)spigot_new, 0,
! sizeof(t_spigot), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
class_addbang(spigot_class, spigot_bang);
class_addpointer(spigot_class, spigot_pointer);
Index: d_array.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/d_array.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3.4.1 -r1.3.4.2
*** d_array.c 5 Nov 2004 13:39:55 -0000
--- d_array.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:41 -0000
*** 799,802 ****
--- 799,803 ----
t_object x_obj;
float *x_vec;
+ int x_vecsize;
t_symbol *x_arrayname;
} t_tabreceive;
*** 808,812 ****
int n = w[3];
t_float *from = x->x_vec;
! if (from) while (n--) *out++ = *from++;
else while (n--) *out++ = 0;
return (w+4);
--- 809,821 ----
int n = w[3];
t_float *from = x->x_vec;
! if (from)
! {
! int vecsize = x->x_vecsize;
! while (vecsize--)
! *out++ = *from++;
! vecsize = n - x->x_vecsize;
! while (vecsize--)
! *out++ = 0;
! }
else while (n--) *out++ = 0;
return (w+4);
*** 838,843 ****
t_garray *a;
- int vecsize;
if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(x->x_arrayname, garray_class)))
--- 847,850 ----
*** 845,862 ****
pd_error(x, "tabsend~: %s: no such array", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
! else if (!garray_getfloatarray(a, &vecsize, &x->x_vec))
pd_error(x, "%s: bad template for tabreceive~", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
! int n = sp[0]->s_n;
! if (n < vecsize) vecsize = n;
! if(vecsize&7)
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, vecsize);
! else if(SIMD_CHECK1(vecsize,sp[0]->s_vec))
/* the array is aligned in any case */
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perfsimd, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, vecsize);
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perf8, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, vecsize);
--- 852,869 ----
pd_error(x, "tabsend~: %s: no such array", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
! else if (!garray_getfloatarray(a, &x->x_vecsize, &x->x_vec))
pd_error(x, "%s: bad template for tabreceive~", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
! if (x->x_vecsize > sp[0]->s_n)
! x->x_vecsize = sp[0]->s_n;
! if(sp[0]->s_n&7)
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
! else if(SIMD_CHECK1(sp[0]->s_n,sp[0]->s_vec))
/* the array is aligned in any case */
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perfsimd, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
! dsp_add(tabreceive_perf8, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
*** 930,934 ****
! /* ---------- tabread4: control, non-interpolating ------------------------ */
static t_class *tabread4_class;
--- 937,941 ----
! /* ---------- tabread4: control, 4-point interpolation --------------- */
static t_class *tabread4_class;
Index: s_file.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_file.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.2.4.3 -r1.2.4.4
*** s_file.c 10 Nov 2004 13:47:09 -0000
--- s_file.c 11 Nov 2004 22:30:42 -0000
*** 224,228 ****
char cmdbuf[256];
int nread = 0, nleft = size;
! snprintf(cmdbuf, 256, "defaults read com.ucsd.pd %s 2> /dev/null\n", key);
FILE *fp = popen(cmdbuf, "r");
while (nread < size)
--- 224,228 ----
char cmdbuf[256];
int nread = 0, nleft = size;
! snprintf(cmdbuf, 256, "defaults read org.puredata.pd %s 2> /dev/null\n", key);
FILE *fp = popen(cmdbuf, "r");
while (nread < size)
*** 234,242 ****
! if (!nread)
return (0);
if (nread >= size)
nread = size-1;
value[nread] = 0;
--- 234,244 ----
! if (nread < 1)
return (0);
if (nread >= size)
nread = size-1;
value[nread] = 0;
+ if (value[nread-1] == '\n') /* remove newline character at end */
+ value[nread-1] = 0;
*** 254,258 ****
char cmdbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
snprintf(cmdbuf, MAXPDSTRING,
! "defaults write com.ucsd.pd %s \"%s\" 2> /dev/null\n", key, value);
--- 256,260 ----
char cmdbuf[MAXPDSTRING];
snprintf(cmdbuf, MAXPDSTRING,
! "defaults write org.puredata.pd %s \"%s\" 2> /dev/null\n", key, value);