Cyclone: A set of Pure Data objects cloned from Max/MSP
- Cyclone expands Pure Data with objects cloned from cycling74's Max/MSP. It thus provides some good level of compatibility between the two environments, helping users of both systems in the development of equivalent patches.
In february 21st of 2017, we released the first alpha release, this second release marks the begging of the beta phase.
You can also just download it from 'deken', directly from "Pure Data in Help => Find externals", just type 'cyclone' and hit 'search'. Worth mentioning over the last alpha release is a couple of new objects (listfunnel/unjoin), plus numerous fixes -
All what's new from version 0.2 is described here…/pd-cyclone/…/cyclone-0.3-changlelog - there have been numerous fixes since the last alpha version, but worth mentioning is the addition of two new objects: [listfunnel] and [unjoin].