Hello List,
Some details regarding funding opportunities for the MA/MSc in Music Technology at University of Limerick follow.Please feel free to distribute widely.
Kind regards

Master's in Music Technology Funding Opportunities
The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems has made available two fees-only scholarships for EU students on the MA/MSc Music Technology program at the University of Limerick. In addition to this a number of generous scholarships are available to full-time non-EU postgraduate students through the Faculty of Science and Engineering. 

Full details are available at http://www.dmarc.ie/education/music_technology_masters/scholarships-funding/

The Masters in Music Technology is funded through the Graduate Skills Conversion Programme. Fees for EU students for the the academic year 2012 -2013 will be approximately €3000.


Master's in Music Technology
Delivered at DMARC (Digital Media & Arts Research Centre) the Master’s Degree in Music Technology is a one year full-time course which exposes students to a broad range of music technology related disciplines. The course is aimed at candidates who wish to combine technological competence with artistic endeavor. A key element of the course is its focus on both the technical and creative aspects of sound art. To this end, equal emphasis is placed on the development of compositional and critical approaches to music technology, as well as to the development of technical skills including audio production and programming.
Delivered through a combination of taught modules and directed research projects the course culminates in the development of a dissertation and portfolio which provides an opportunity for the student to focus in detail on a specialist area under the supervision of a member of staff. Previous dissertation and portfolio topics have included; live electronic performance, composition for mixed media, interactive audio, sound installation, DSP programming, audio plugin development and perceptual studies.
In addition to the many facilities at DMARC, students have exclusive access to a music computer lab and to the postgraduate studio suites.
Further details about the course are available at http://www.dmarc.ie/education/music_technology_masters/

Nicholas Ward
Course Director - MA/MSc in Music Technology 
DMARC (Digital Media & Arts Research Centre)
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Limerick
T: +353 (0) 61 234246
W: www.dmarc.ie
E:  <nicholas.ward@ul.ie