Próximas actividades / Upcoming Activities · 09.01.2012 -
Próximas actividades / Upcoming Activities · 09.01.2012 -
Área de Las Artes del
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Arts Department of the Madrid City Council
Libre Graphics
Meeting. Open Call for Presentations
Libre Graphics Meeting
(LGM) 2013: Future Tools will take place in Medialab-Prado from
April 10 to 13 in Madrid, Spain. LGM is seeking for proposals to be presented
within the program of the event.
The Meeting is a unique opportunity for software developers,
artists and designers from all over the world to collaborate and
develop present and future tools. By Libre Graphics we mean
Free, Libre and Open Source tools for design, illustration,
photography, typography, art, graphics, page layout, publishing,
cartography, animation and video. The Libre Graphics Meeting is
not just about software, but extends to standards, file formats
and actual use of these in creative work.
The call is looking for
in-depth presentations on Libre Graphics technologies, showcases
of excellent work made using Libre Graphics tools, new projects,
updates from existing projects, current status, future roadmaps,
Click here to see find out
what kind of proposals are suitable for this call:
Deadline: February 15, 2013. Submit your proposal now!!
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Intermediae Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14 28045 Madrid
(Temporary Location)
Tel. +34 915 177 288
Twitter: @medialabprado