Wi:Journal of Mobile Media  & LOCUS SONUS
2015: Vol. 9 No. 2. Audio Mobility   

The editorial team at Wi:Journal of Mobile Media and Locus Sonus Lab are pleased to announce the release of the latest issue 2015 : Vol 9 No2 Audio Mobility /

La revue scientifique canadienne Wi: Journal of Mobile Media et le laboratoire de recherche Locus Sonus ont le grand plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie du numéro spécial 2015 : Vol 9 No2 Audio Mobilité

Guest-edited by / Sous la direction de : Peter Sinclair & Elena Biserna / Locus Sonus

With contributions by / Avec les contributions de :     


Romain Barthélémy & Roland Cahen, Frauke Behrendt, Justin Bennett, Elena Biserna, Xavier Boissarie & Emmanuel Guez, Samuel Bordreuil, Joel Cahen, Aisen Caro Chacin, Jean Cristofol, Owen Chapman, Laurent Di Biase, Steve Jones, Jérôme Joy, Fabrice Métais, Marie Muller, Gaëtan Parseihian, Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki & Richard Kronland Martinet, Matthieu Saladin, Dom Schlienger, Peter Sinclair, Jessica Thompson, Aline Veillat.

The issue can be found here / Lien vers la revue :  http://wi.mobilities.ca/


(English & French below)




This special issue of the Canadian Journal Wi: Journal of Mobile Media is one of the outcomes of the research project Audio Mobility, started by Locus Sonus in 2013. The publication includes more than twenty texts by international artists, theorists and scholars exploring the relationships between mobile media and sound production in contemporary artistic, cultural and social practices. Originally presented at the Symposium # 8 Audio Mobility, organized by Locus Sonus (16-18 April 2014), the texts were revisited by the authors for this special edition.


Le numéro spécial de la revue canadienne Wi: Journal of Mobile Media est le fruit du projet de recherche Audio Mobilité, commencé par Locus Sonus en 2013. La publication contient une vingtaine de textes d'artistes, théoriciens et historiens internationaux qui explorent la relation entre la production sonore et les médias mobiles dans les pratiques culturelles et sociales contemporaines. Initialement présentés au Symposium #8 Audio Mobilité, organisé par Locus Sonus (16-18 Avril 2014), les textes ont été revisités par les auteurs pour cette édition spéciale.


Peter Sinclair and Elena Biserna: Audio Mobility: Introduction 
FR > http://wi.mobilities.ca/locus-sonus-introduction/%22#french

Romain Barthélémy and Roland Cahen: Navigating by sound in my SmartCity

Frauke Behrendt: Locative Media as Sonic Interaction Design: Walking through Placed Sounds

Justin Bennett: Walking, Telling, Listening – Audio Walks

Elena Biserna: Mediated Listening Paths: Breaking the Auditory Bubble

Samuel Bordreuil: Between The Marching Band and The Sound Walk

Joel Cahen: Strategies on Sound Based Augmented Reality Theatre

Aisen Caro Chacin: Echolocation Headphones: Seeing Space with Sound

Owen Chapman: Ecotones, Eco-territories and the Sonic Relationality of Space: An audio investigation of Montreal’s ‘Falaise St. Jacques’

Jean Cristofol: Map and probe

Laurent Di Biase: Sound Geofiction and Mobile Interaction: The Sound in the Environment as Support for Composition

Emmanuel Guez and Xavier Boissarie: From the Ear to the Eye. Conditions of a “Localized Writing” Experiment

Steve Jones: The Carry Principle: Strategies for Mobile Music Practice

Jérôme Joy: Visiting, Weaving, and Modulating Sonic Expanses and Rhythms – Tuning, Improvisation, and Environmental Aesthetics

Fabrice Métais: Of God’s Word Terrestrial Acoustics: A Missed Call

Marie Muller: Mapping the Iceberg: An Attempt to Model the City of Aix-en-Provence as 3D Sound Map on a Real Space

Gaëtan Parseihian, Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland Martinet: The process of sonification design for guidance tasks

Matthieu Saladin: Can One Hear Mobile Listening? The Public Ringtones Project and the Mediality of Listening

Dom Schlienger: Acoustic Localisation Techniques for Interactive and Locative Audio Applications

Peter Sinclair: Inside Zeno’s Arrow: Mobile Captation and Sonification

Jessica Thompson: Mobile Sound and (Re)Making Place

Aline Veillat: Augmented Topography by Sound?


We would like to thank Owen Chapman (managing editor of Wi) for offering us the opportunity to publish this special edition and for the support of Michelle Macklem (online text management) and Antonia Hernandez (graphic design and layout) during the editorial process. Thanks also to the Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies (Kim Sawchuk) for financial support. We would also like to thank the panel of peer reviewers: Richard Kronland-Martinet (LMA – CNRS), Samuel Bordreuil (AMU/CNRS-LAMES), Jean-Paul Thibaud (CRESSON- CNRS), Jacques Sapiega (AMU – ASTRAM), Angus Carlyle (CRISAP), Jean Cristofol (ESAA), Jérôme Joy (ENSAB – Locus Sonus), Anne Roquigny (Locus Sonus), Marie Muller, Laurent Di Biase, Fabrice Métais.

The Locus Sonus Symposium #8 was organised by Locus Sonus (ESA Aix en Provence & ENSBA Bourges) in partnership with AMU MMSH LAMES (Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie), Seconde Nature and Fondation Vasarely (Aix en Provence). Locus Sonus is funded by the French Ministry of Culture.

Nous remercions chaleureusement les éditeurs de Wi et en particulier Owen Chapman de nous avoir donné l’opportunité de publier ce numéro spécial. Un grand merci également à Michelle Macklem (direction éditoriale en ligne) et à Antonia Hernandez (design et mise en page) pour leur soutien durant tout le processus éditorial. Nous tenons également à remercier le groupe de pairs examinateurs : Richard Kronland-Martinet (LMA - CNRS), Samuel Bordreuil (UMA / CNRS-LAMES), Jean-Paul Thibaud (CRESSON- CNRS), Jacques Sapiega (UMA - ASTRAM), Angus Carlyle (CRISAP), Jean Cristofol (ESAA), Jérôme Joy (ENSAB - Locus Sonus), Anne Roquigny (Locus Sonus), Marie Muller, Laurent Di Biase, Fabrice Métais.

Le Symposium Locus Sonus #8 a été organisé par le laboratoire de recherche Locus Sonus (ESA Aix en Provence et ENSBA Bourges) en partenariat avec l'UMA MMSH LAMES (Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie), Seconde Nature et la Fondation Vasarely (Aix en Provence). Locus Sonus est financé par le Ministère français de la Culture et de la Communication