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Please join us on May 24th, at 6.00pm, to celebrate the opening of Ireland's most ambitious New Media Arts Festival to date.

RUN COMPUTER RUN @ GLITCH 2013 is an exhibition focused on examining artistic responses to cultural, economic, and social factors that currently affect the evolutionof the Internet. The festival features four exhibitions, eight workshops, a symposium featuring leading thinkers and curators in the field of New Media Art, and a showcase of short films. It will wrap up on July 13th with a party featuring live performances by Irish musicians Voids, Replete, and Richie K!, with more acts to be announced. 

Now in its third year, GLITCH is an opportunity for the public to engage with New art in an exciting and innovative way. With a huge range of events and a programme of exhibitions involving Internationally renowned artists including Casey ReasMarius WatzFIELDPixel Noizz, Constant Dullaart, Evan Roth and many more, this year's GLITCH festival is the most ambitious and largest to date. 

GLITCH: Run Computer, Run! is curated by Nora O' Murchú, Post-doctoral researcher at CRUMB, University of Sunderland. 

GLITCH is sponsored by: Arts Council Ireland, EU Presidency fund, CRUMB, University of Sunderland, Layar, EXHIBIT A, LUAS, Basic.fm, Select Digital Print Group, Bavaria
Media Partner: Totally Dublin

For more information, please see our PRESS RELEASE attached.