Próximas actividades / Upcoming Activities · 09.01.2012 -
Área de Las Artes del
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Arts Department of the Madrid City Council
Interactivos?'13 Tools
for a Read-Write World. Call for Projects
Medialab-Prado and The
Libre Graphics Research Unit are seeking for projects to be collaboratively
developed during a two-weeks workshop to be held in Madrid,
15-27 April, 2013.
We are interested in your ideas for tools to design, edit, draw
and write together. This edition focuses on (re)inventing a
Libre Graphics workflow that supports collaboration and exchange.
Advisors: Libre Graphics Magazine editorial team (ginger coons,
Ana Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente); Comunes Collective - KUNE
collaborative software (Vicente Ruiz Jurado, Samer Hassan) and
Jennifer Dopazo. Curated by Femke Snelting (LGRU, Constant)
Call Open: October 31 2012 – January 15, 2013.
Call for collaborators: February 5 – April 9, 2013.
Libre Graphics Meeting and presentations of the selected projects:
April 10-13, 2013.
Workshop: April 15-27, 2013.
Entry rules and submission form:
Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación / Press
Intermediae Matadero Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14 28045 Madrid
(Temporary Location)
Tel. +34 915 177 288
Twitter: @medialabprado