ofelia is a Pd external which allows you to use openFrameworks and Lua.
The new version provides all available openFrameworks functions and class methods as Pd objects. (1,770 objects) Meaning, you don't need to write Lua scripts to use unsupported feature since they all exist as Pd objects.
Also, ofelia now provides documentation for all objects. You can simply double click on any object to open the help file or the documentation page in your browser. You can see a full categorized list of objects from the "help-intro.pd" patch.
Lastly, you can create a standalone application for macOS, Windows, Linux, Raspbian, iOS and Android using ofxOfelia, an openFrameworks addon for ofelia. It will be also possible to create web applications using ofelia soon.
(Note: ofelia requires vanilla Pd-0.49.0 or higher.)
Main changes:
* all available global functions and class methods from Lua bindings are embedded as objects
* all embedded objects use "of" prefix for consistency
* added [ofRequire], [ofExpr], [ofExpr~], [ofIf], [ofIf~], [ofFor], [ofTable], [ofJson], [ofReverb~], [ofOscSender], [ofOscReceiver], [ofUnZip], [ofUnZipPass] and [ofMakeFileName]
Any feedback is welcomed, hope you like it.