ELSE Beta 45 is out! It now includes 435 objects. Live Electronics Tutorial was also updated, with 450 examples now! This needs Pd 0.52-0 so it works 100%, but you'll get most of it with 0.51-4! Nonetheless, get Pd 0.52-0, now at test version 4, it's quite stable and almost ready to go. 

I have 4 new objects, [tap], to tap for tempo, [midi.learn] to learn and save a MIDI controller, but I'm really really proud of [metronome] and [clock]! The [clock] object works as a main clock that keeps others in sync, and the ones in sync can multiply/divide the clock tempo while keeping in sync! The [metronome] object is a high level and powerful metronome that deals with compound time signatures and also works as a main clock that you can sync to other [clock] objects. The [metronome] can also be used for a timeline like paradigm, and as a click tracker. I may work on a higher level "click tracker" and "timeline" abstractions with this later on. I also plan to use it as a basis for a score sequencer.

The [pattern] object, a rhythmic sequencer, can now output indexes instead of bangs and you can use it to control a [sequencer] object with more sophisticated rhythms!

Get it from deken or on github, where you can also see a detailed changelog https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases/tag/v1.0-beta45 . Deken now offers a single download for all systems as a way to save space on the server. If you wish, get the binaries it just for your system on the downloads in the github release.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, see you in early 2022 with more updates, when ELSE becomes 5 years old.
