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7.30pm - Thurs 13 Feb 2014
Argos [centre for art and media]
Werfstraat 13 rue du Chantier
1000 Brussels
Belgium +

7.00pm - Tues 8 April 2014
Café Scientifique
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PW

Author and sound artist Joe Banks argues in his book "Rorschach Audio - Art & Illusion for Sound" that "the earliest form of sound recording technology was not a machine but was written language". The "Rorschach Audio" presentation explores relationships between recording techniques and mechanisms of aural and visual perception, demonstrating fascinating and sometimes bizarre psychoacoustic and optical illusions. The lecture proposes a critique of allegedly supernatural Electronic Voice Phenomena (ghost-voice) research in context of contemporary sonic art, tracing the illusions involved as far back as the artist generally recognised as the most important figure in the history of Western art, and emphasising the role that relatively little-known wartime intelligence work with sound had on what is arguably the most important work of visual arts theory ever published.