On Nov 7, 2007, at 9:11 PM, chris clepper wrote:

On 11/7/07, Jack <jack@rybn.org> wrote:

Le 8 nov. 07 à 02:41, chris clepper a écrit :

I think this is Intel only?  I'm not able to pin anything down yet though.
Yes, big problem with [pix_alpha] on MacIntel, but it's ok on G4.

pix_alpha works here like I would expect it too work.  I don't get the solid blue like in Marius' photos. 

Could it be related to the optimization flags?  That has caused problems elsewhere.  Here's how it's compiled on 2007-11-05:

g++ -c -I/sw/include -g -O2 -fPIC -freg-struct-return -Os -falign-loops=32 -falign-functions=32 -falign-jumps=32 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -mmmx -fpascal-strings  -I/sw/include -I/sw/include/FTGL -I/sw/lib/freetype219/include -I/sw/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2   -I..  -I/usr/include/FTGL -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/Users/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/pd/src  pix_alpha.cpp -o ../Objects/pix_alpha.o



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