I think it would be pretty easy to scrap that page and stick the key text bits into the help page.  Something like "NAME", "C SPECIFICATION", "PARAMETERS", and "DESCRIPTION".  I imagine that this stuff doesn't change very often.

Ideally there would be working examples for each function, but that's a big project.  What else should go on that help page?


On Mar 23, 2009, at 7:18 PM, chris clepper wrote:

The GEMgl objects really require a working knowledge of OpenGL, and it would be a bit much to redo much of the standard texts in the help patches.  Just put a link to: http://www.glprogramming.com/blue/

That should cover most of the objects - even the ones that can't possibly work in Pd/GEM. 

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> wrote:

I am just looking at some of the GEMgl stuff, and noticed there are no helpfiles for any of them.  It seems that it would be quite useful to make a help template for these functions, then generate them automatically, since the objects themselves were auto-generated.  It would be very nice to have these help patches already generated from the OpenGL reference, and also included a link, perhaps.

I just committed GLdefine-help.pd as a start.  Any thoughts on that?



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