I started doing the same thing a while ago. I learned a lot from the process but then I discovered this...


I know everyone has different needs when it comes to open source projects but maybe if these objects are not exactly what you need you can contribute to that project. That way there is a focused effort into making a great set of opencv objects. This is in no way my project and I dont know if it's authors even want contributions but they do have a portion on dev info so I figured that they would not mind.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Jean-Yves Gratius <jygratius@club.fr> wrote:
(sorry if double post)
here are my first steps in my attempt to writing a flext lib using
openCV computervision library.

Instead of writing new pix_objects or pdp_objects, the idea is to use an
internal array of pointers pointing to opencv data structures and to
pass indexes from one object to another.
This way, it is possible to work on images but also on other data
structures (like IplImage, cvSeg, cvPoint, etc... )

In this very first attempt, i wrote some externals in a flext lib :
smooth-median, smooth-gaussian , dilate, erode, canny (contour
detection), displaying window
and a bridge from / to GEM pixes.

You can have a look on source code and build for windows xp here

I don't intend to write a exhaustive library, only objects I need for my
artistic purposes.
But if you want to feedback / contribute, you are welcome...

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