
i'll commit the bug report as u mentioned!
for the pix_buffer....it didn't make any difference
but maybe i used it in a wrong way..don't know!

Am 23. April 2009 10:40 schrieb <zmoelnig@iem.at>:
Quoting "johann scholz" <akira.vdc@gmail.com>:

hi there,

finally fixed the problem with loads of help from one of my
teachers(actually he fixed it)!
now i am able to sort of preload the image sequences for
the pix_multiimage object, i didn't quite figured it all out
how it works, but i would gladly share the patch if someone
is interested.....
to be honest the "too many files problem" isn't really solved
i can preload the sequences and so they won't be loaded again
and again, but i bet there is a limit of files i can preload too, so
i'll push it to the max, to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes :)

good that it works for you for now.
in the meantime, could you please commit a bug-report (with full specs, like Gem version, OS, image-type and example-patch that triggers the problem and probably more) at http://sf.net/projects/pd-gem/

oh, and did it make a difference when using [pix_buffer] instead of [pix_multiimage]?


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