I'm attempting to add a ffmpeg film plugin with a windows 64 machine...
First I'd like to thank umläute about this wiki page: https://github.com/umlaeute/Gem/wiki/How-to-build-Gem-on-Microsoft-Windows-(MINGW)
It seems mingw packages has some improvements since this howto has been written...
$ pacman -Ss ftgl
mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-ftgl 2.4.0-1 [installé]
OpenGL library to use arbitrary fonts (mingw-w64)
Unfortunately 'mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-ffmpeg' package doesn't provide a working version of ffmpeg yet, so
I'm trying out with mingw32...
Anyway in both version I'm trying to get VLC plugin working first
with mingw VLC packages, in mingw64 the VLC plugin loads during pd
starting, but is disabled when [pix_video] is loaded. I don't why
it is disabled...
And in mingw32 the VLC plugin doesn't load at pd starting because
runDLL don't find some vlc libs.
After installing Gem, I go to pd/extra folder and add all the depencies with this bash script:
echo "Looking in mingw for DLL dependencies"
for GEM_DLL in $(ls *.dll)
echo "looking into" $GEM_DLL
for DLL in $(ntldd -R $GEM_DLL)
if [[ $DLL == *mingw* ]]; then
for DLL_DEP in $(ntldd -R $DLL)
if [[ $DLL_DEP == *mingw* ]]; then
FILE=Gem/$(basename $DLL_DEP)
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "copying:" $DLL_DEP
cp $(cygpath -u $DLL_DEP) Gem
FILE=Gem/$(basename $DLL)
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
cp $(cygpath -u $DLL) Gem
echo "copying" $DLL
FFMPEG and VLC dependencies seems to be added to along Gem.dll but runDLL couldn't find modules at pd starting, while other libs like libassimp3 or libjpeg or libtiff are loaded.
I'm probably missing something somewhere...
Do I need to compile VLC and FFMPEG to get them working in pd?