On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 2:10 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 01/07/2018 12:15 PM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
>> Dan:
>> seems to work! it doesn't crash! loaded fillm are a little "laggy" though
>> and do not react to sudden frame changes very quickly.... at least from
>> quick tests with short clips. i did load a 2 hour .mp4 though and nothing
>> crashed so it seems all fairly stable now.
> By "laggy", do you mean with automatic playback? QT seems to handle that itself while filmAVF is currently letting Gem do the "auto" property which seems slower. From what the help file says, "auto" does advances the frame on the net Gem frame render.

you should be able to increase the speed with "auto 1.5".
(TODO: document this)

I would suggest setting the gemwin FPS to 60 (and VBL sync) and then see how 'auto 1' responds.  You can check my ancient QT (the real QT) code to see how I dealt with the QT vs GEM frame rate.  There is a very likely probability that QT will send duplicate frames down the GEM chain which will double process all pix_ objects.  My comments in the old code should remark on this with a fair amount of profanity.  QT likes to be the master clock and that only gets worse with each post-QT Apple framework.

There was a pix_movieQT version that was designed to somewhat ignore the GEM frame rate and dump the video frames to the GL buffer with the assumption that all processing would be GLSL.  Worked like a fucking champ as I recall.

Best of luck



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