Apologies for an apparent salvo of e-mails. Here's one proposed option. Hasn't been tested thoroughly but so far it appears to work ok:

--- GemGL.h~    2006-09-26 05:56:33.000000000 -0400
+++ GemGL.h     2007-02-19 17:09: 03.000000000 -0500
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
  * so, if your system lacks GL/glext.h,
  * just undefine the appropriate line in Base/configNT.h
+#define GL_GLEXT_VERSION 21
 #  if  (!defined GL_GLEXT_VERSION)
 #   include <GL/glext.h>
 #  endif /* GL_GLEXT_VERSION */

(namely by adding GL_GLEXT_VERSION 21 which corresponds to OpenGL 1.5)

This would still keep ARB enabled in those files, rather than totally obliterating them...

This is however a brute force fix for buggy fglrx drivers. Would it be perhaps possible to have a configure option, i.e. --force-gl-1.5 or something like that which would define this variable in this particular place? As I mentioned earlier I am not too familiar with the configure scripts so if this is to be ok'd by Iohannes and others, I would greatly appreciate it if someone else did the part of integrating it.

Many thanks!

Best wishes,
