I am on 10.14, still looking for an update to have the same what you have: 10.14.1.
After configure I have a missing openGL warning, which is connected to the make error which cannot find a glfw3 working header, even if it is in the brew install folder: Cellar
this is my last ./configure command:
./configure --disable-option-checking '--prefix=/usr/local'  '--with-pd=/Applications/' '--enable-videoAVF' '--with-libvlc-CFLAGS=-I/Applications/' '--with-libvlc-LIBS=-L/Applications/ -lvlc' '--without-Carbon-framework' '--with-defaultwindow=gemcocoawindow' '--without-ftgl' '--without-imageMAGICK'

Updating right now my outdated Xcode, and start again the process. If you have any idea why on my Mojave (I already hate even to type this name) the compilation is stopped, please let me know.

On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 2:24 AM me.grimm <> wrote:
hmmmm... what exact errors you getting?

if you do:

./configure --help

you can see options for configure. whatever errors you are getting try to configure --without-WHATEVER


On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 7:21 PM Csaba Láng <> wrote:
Unfortunately this is what I used. Just skipped the virtual machin steps and the installation of the homebrew. 

On Sat, 24 Nov 2018 at 00:19, me.grimm <> wrote:

On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 4:42 PM Csaba Láng <> wrote:
Can you share the link you have in your mind?

On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 22:40, me.grimm <> wrote:
version 10.14.1 (18B75)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016,

hmmm... yeah it can be a pain. did you follow instructions on the github wiki? i know if not followed carefully you can have issues...


On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 4:03 PM Csaba Láng <> wrote:
what is your system?
I have already tried to compile Gem since 5 hours, on Mavericks failed, on Mojave had various problems, gave up with missing openGL as now Metal is the thing, or the last drop of water in my glass was  ld: library not found for -lglfw3
Now I am on Sierra, still trying to make to work properly pd 0.49-1 but tlc is not installed properly and lost my half of my hair what is left.
Right now just hit enter to make for pd-extended, whatever version I do not care just want to be sure I can test pix_video
Will get back with a result if will have any after all.


On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 9:39 PM me.grimm <> wrote:
hey it works! nice!

just compiled videoavf branch. little green light turns on when opening 00.SimpleVideo.pd example. when rendering toggle is clicked window appears and live video is displayed.

a couple things:

- live video capture shows blue channel only
- pd console gives "clear(): unimplemented)" error
- with example patch if I click rendering toggle gem window closes and green light turns off. the only way to get live image back is either reload patch or click rendering toggle THEN send [device 0{ message.
- with dialog message I get "[pix_video]: no dialog for current backend"


On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 7:27 AM IOhannes m zmölnig <> wrote:
i just started a videoAVF plugin, that is supposed to give us live-video
input on (modern) macOS.

current state:
- compiles
- webcam turns on (the light)
- i don't get an image :-(

however, the behaviour is the same with PhotoBooth (running on Sierra),
so the no-image might be a problem related to my system in general.

if anybody with a working webcam on OSX wants to try it:
- get the latest git-snapshot
- checkout the "videoAVF" branch
- configure with all the usual flags PLUS "--enable-videoAVF"
- build
- run
- report back


GEM-dev mailing list

m.e.grimm, m.f.a, ed.m.
cornell u., tc3
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GEM-dev mailing list

m.e.grimm, m.f.a, ed.m.
cornell u., tc3
GEM-dev mailing list

m.e.grimm, m.f.a, ed.m.
cornell u., tc3
GEM-dev mailing list

m.e.grimm, m.f.a, ed.m.
cornell u., tc3