Hi there,
I'm sorry for asking a question often asked, but I want to have it clear once and (hopefully not) for all (time): Is there a way to record or capture my [pd]-GEM output or framebuffer with any means of the software. Or do I need a capturedevice & software (witch I have, but it isn't a nice quality).
If there is a way, please tell me. If not, let me ask for your experiences and know how and: when will it be implemented? 
I know, this has been asked often, but I'm not quiet shure if I missed some exotic way of doing it.
Let me apologize for being a first time mailinglist user - hope I'm doing this right. Anyway, thanx a lot for programming and maintaining this wonderful piece of software.
Enkidu @ www.Einheit7.de/Personal/Enkidu
Mr.&Mrs.T's Music @ www.Einheit7.de/Mr-T