On 5/30/06, B. Bogart <ben@ekran.org> wrote:
Hey all,
So I'm trying to seek 1 or 2 movie files, at different frames on 36
different objects. I was hoping I could put the 1 or 2 movie files into
RAM, and then have all 36 pix_film seek from RAM.
Seems if I send "RAM" to all the pix_film objects GEM tries to load them
all into RAM, even though they are the same file.
If I send ram to the first pix_film object the rest of the pix_film
objects still seek from disk, not from the RAM copy.
Could pix_film check to see if another pix_film has already loaded the
file into ram, and if it has map the frames to the same memory location,
if it has not then load the file into RAM?
With many clips you just need an array of fast disks (potencially) but I
though RAM would be a great solution since I'm seeking the same file in
many different locations at the same time.